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Mastering the Art of Leading Millennials and Gen Z


Mastering the Art of Leading Millennials and Gen Z

Leading Millennials and members of Generation Z requires a different approach than leading members of previous generations. In my new book Ingaging Leadership: The Ultimate Edition, I provide practical and proven strategies for mastering this art.

Key Strategies:

  • Provide mentorship and coaching: Provide regular guidance and support through mentorship programs.
  • Give continuous feedback: Offer frequent, constructive feedback to help younger employees grow.
  • Lay out individual plans for career development: Create clear career paths and development opportunities. Lay them out clearly in individual career plans that you create jointly with each younger employee.
  • Have a mission that extends beyond company walls: Today’s younger workers want to work in an organization that stands for something, be it community involvement, social causes, or environmental responsibility. If you align your company’s mission with causes like that, you will create a community of loyal younger employees.

Practical Tips:

  • Involve younger workers deeply in organizational planning and decision-making: Don’t just delegate work. Invite younger employees to participate in decision-making processes.
  • Recognize their achievements: To boost morale, acknowledge and reward their contributions.
  • Create a collaborative environment: Foster teamwork and collaboration through open communication and team-building activities.
  • Champion and advocate what means the most to your younger employees: One employee might run marathons. Another might do charitable work or be a leader in his or her religious institution. If you support and advocate for such activities, you will show your deep level of support for younger workers.

In conclusion . . .

Mastering the art of leading Millennials and Generation Z can enhance workplace harmony and productivity. To explore more strategies and techniques, consider purchasing my new book here.


Evan Hackel

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