C-Suite Network Women’s Coaching & Consulting Council’s “Learn The Art Of Feminine Negotiation.”
- Feb 16 2023
- Expired!
- 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

(Public Event) You are invited to C-Suite Network Women’s Coaching & Consulting Council’s “Learn The Art Of Feminine Negotiation.”
Let’s face it – all of life is a negotiation. It just may be the single most important skill you ever learn. Negotiating with your clients, co-workers, business or life partners, kids, or even yourself, most of our interactions are exercises in influence. You’re either influencing or being influenced.
Now more than ever, your ability to negotiate and influence determines how you’re perceived, heard and the impact you make on the world. Using powerful feminine negotiation skills is not gender-based and benefits men, women and all the spaces in between.
In this C-Suite Network Women’s Coaching & Consulting Council InterActive Gathering, Cindy Watson, founder of Women On Purpose ™ and the author of the bestseller book: “Art of Feminine Negotiation: How to Get What You Want From the Boardroom to the Bedroom” will share how to get what you really want!
In this InterActive Gathering you will:
- Learn the key skillsets that mark superior negotiators
- Explore how women already possess these skills in great abundance
- Start invoking these essential skills with intention in everyday life.
Our guest speaker is Cindy Watson, C-Suite Network thought leader and Women’s Coaching & Consulting Council esteemed faculty member. Cindy is founder of Watson Labour Law, author of “Art of Feminine Negotiation: How to Get What You Want From the Boardroom to the Bedroom” and the Art of Feminine Negotiation podcast.
Be sure to register for C-Suite Network’s Women’s Coaching & Consulting Council’s “Learn The Art Of Feminine Negotiation” on Thursday, February 16 at 5 PM ET. Register and receive the replays at: https://tinyurl.com/C-SuiteWCCCFebruary16
Questions? Contact Kathleen Caldwell, founder, C-Suite Network’s Women’s Coaching & Consulting Council through a DM on LinkedIn at: https:/tinyurl.com/KathleenCaldwellLinkedIn or at: https://tinyurl.com/C-SuiteNetworkWCCCLinkedIn
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