[PUBLIC] Art of Taxes and Capital Gain Protection Strategies
- Sep 07 2023
- Expired!
- 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

** This event is presented by C-Suite Network & LeadHERship Global
Join us to learn how the builders, creators and innovators of the world reduce their largest expenses – taxes!
Learn the secrets that have helped leaders, like you, qualify for tax savings using tax strategies of high net worth earners! Learn about hidden tax saving opportunities – from R&D tax credit incentives, to ERC savings opportunities, to real estate savings through cost segregation and more, to tax savings through the acquisition and sale of art and historical documents!
Learn how the B10 managements team has helped facilitate nearly $700 million in private and corporate tax consulting services helping their clients realize tax savings using hidden opportunities in the tax code!
SPEAKER: Julienna Viegas
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