C-Suite Network™

Calm the Back-to-School Jitters: Essential Tips for Parents

Anxiety is a common reaction during significant transition, but it’s important not to let these fears hinder progress. As the new school year approaches, consider these tips for addressing back-to-school anxiety to support you and your family in managing the challenges ahead.

5 Tips for Coping with Back-to-School Anxiety:

1. Talk About It.

Worries and fears can seem more overwhelming when kept to oneself. This applies whether your children are teens heading back to college or younger ones returning to school. Encourage open conversations about their concerns. Are they anxious about health issues, new protocols, loneliness, fitting in, academic performance, or disappointing you? Resist the urge to downplay or overly reassure; both can obstruct meaningful communication. Open dialogue is essential for coping with back-to-school anxiety.

2. Review Safety Regulations Together.

Examine the safety measures provided by the school. Ensure that everyone understands these protocols before the school year begins. Additionally, review your own family safety procedures, including emergency exits and identifying trusted adults, to provide an added sense of security. These actions are part of the tips to ease back-to-school anxiety by creating a predictable environment.

3. Get Bigger Than What’s Bugging You.

When addressing negative thoughts, teach your children self-talk skills to help them manage their anxiety. For example, if they’re worried, help them see these feelings as just one part of their experience rather than defining who they are. Encourage them to reflect on their fears and recognize that they are more than their worries. This approach helps maintain a sense of self amidst anxiety. This method aligns with the tips for addressing back-to-school anxiety by focusing on a broader perspective.

Consider asking questions like, “Are you excited to reconnect with your classmates? Are you looking forward to trying out new activities?” Such questions can shift focus from anxiety to anticipation.

4. Build a Routine.

Consistency and predictability can provide comfort, especially during uncertain times. Establishing a daily routine, whether at home or in college, can offer a sense of security. Include regular times for meals, schoolwork, and debriefing about their day to support their adjustment. This practice is one of the most effective tips to ease back-to-school anxiety.

5. Exhibit a Peaceful Energy.

Children often mirror their parents’ emotions. Displaying calmness and confidence when discussing the return to school can help your kids feel more at ease. Maintaining a peaceful demeanor is crucial for coping with back-to-school anxiety and creating a supportive environment.

If you need additional support in navigating your emotions during this transition, please reach out to our team for assistance.

Parents, we’ve navigated through challenging times, so be patient with yourselves and your children. We’re all in this together!

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