The emergence of digital technologies has democratized branding from the province of marketing professionals to any teenager with an Instagram account. Brands can be institutional or personal, profitable or playful, but the environment they compete in has expanded to the global arena, where change is the only constant.
In Rebranding Branding Darren Taylor, founder of 10-year-old brand agency Taylor & Grace, and Mark Schreiber, an award-winning novelist, tell the story of branding from the British East India Company to Brexit, and argue that branding must no longer be viewed as a discretionary budget item, a stepchild to marketing, but as a lighthouse for all business strategy, an always-on beacon to illuminate your organization’s course.
Imbued with humor, history, and personal insights from the front lines of the branding business, the authors show companies how our global, digital society has made brand strategy crucial to their bottom line, and urge fellow brand strategists to promote branding as more than just a logo.