C-Suite Network™

Gloria Petersen

Gloria Petersen’s “Seven Steps to Impressive Greetings and Confident Interactions” offers proven strategies to make your next interaction the first step toward one of many successful business relationships. You career depends on confident first impressions, clear communication, a secure grasp of business etiquette and protocol, personal charisma, and social intelligence. So whether you’re simply interested in presenting yourself better in work and social settings or your career depends on it, Gloria will help you create a powerful personal presence. The book’s objectives are to help you develop your communication skills, master confident interactions, and give you the conversational skill sets to guide you through everything from simple interviews to high-profile meetings.

Annette SImmons

Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins!

Tell it to sell it! Help your customers make your story their story. Learn six kinds of stories to tell from four reliable sources of stories.

How to find and tell stories that
• Win trust
• Win curiosity
• Win the sale
• Win the day

New second edition is updated with cool examples of storytelling from other industries and an Appendix on how to run your own storytelling training.

Amy Florian

“No Longer Awkward” is the definitive guidebook for professionals who want long-term relationships with their clients. Inevitably, those clients face divorce, aging, death, dementia, retirement, terminal illness, and other life changes. Yet professionals are never taught what to do and say to truly support them. And their clients will switch until they find someone who can. Avoid the well-intentioned mistakes most people make. Gain effective skills and protocols to guide clients through these tough times in ways that others can’t because they don’t know how. Find out what to write in condolence cards for different situations, what books to recommend, and what your clients wish you would do and say. Set yourself apart in ways that make a difference. Learn to do the right thing when your clients need it most, and you will also build life-time loyalty and referrals.

Betsy B Muller

Have you wondered if you have enough energy and clarity to get your to-do list completed with skill, quality and ease? Energy Makeover is a book about actively co-creating our own personal evolution by liberal doses of self-effort. It you tend to be a bit lazy and/or passive and lean toward procrastination, this is a book that will inspire you to go beyond your perceived limitations and to reach out and take Betsy’s firm but gentle hand as she coaches you toward your own transformation into wholeness. It is a book filled with hope and inspiration, encouragement and spot-on guidance, a cornucopia of wisdom, a garden of delight, a portable companion that could easily substitute for your daily book of meditation. It is a book filled with heart that will fill your heart in turn. If you have been waiting for an Energy Makeover, it has arrived.

Bruce Weinstein

Employers look for two things when hiring or promoting people: knowledge and skill. They rarely, if ever, consider character. Yet character is the key to extraordinary business success. “The Good Ones” presents ten crucial qualities of high-character employees, qualities that enhance employee satisfaction, client relationships, and the bottom line.

You’ll read stories from managers and employees across the U.S. and beyond who reveal how honesty, courage, loyalty, and patience have helped their organizations maintain an edge over the competition. Each chapter is devoted to a single quality of character and ends with questions employers can use to hire and promote the Good Ones — people who are consistently honest, accountable, fair, and grateful.

Whether you’re looking to bring new people into your organization or are seeking a job or promotion yourself, “The Good Ones” will help you appreciate in practical terms why character is the missing link to excellence.

Andrew Keyt

Myths & Mortals provides insights and strategies for successors of family businesses. Successors often find themselves in the shadow of their parents making it difficult to establish credibility in the family business and tap into their own strengths. The stress of emulating a parent begins to clash with who they are and who they want to be as a leader.

Written by internationally known business strategist and succession planning expert Andrew Keyt, this guide shows you how to establish credibility, take your place at the head of the table, and run your business your way. In groundbreaking research, Keyt interviewed more than 25 successors of family business legends including Massimo Ferragamo, Bill Wrigley Jr., Christie Hefner, and John Tyson to find out how they overcame the challenges successors commonly face. The analysis from that study formed the basis for the strategies presented here—to help you win the loyalty of those stuck in the old way of doing business and still focused on their former leader’s vision. You’ll learn how to take charge without sacrificing your own leadership style and how to get everyone on board with your vision for the business.

Growing up in the shadow of legendary family business leaders creates a unique challenge for successors to the leadership position. You cannot remove the emotional power of family dynamics from the business, but you can change how you choose to react to it. To be successful, you need to create a sense of identity and credibility, and step out of the shadows of your forbears. This guide provides strategies for doing just that, so you can take the reins and be the effective leader your business needs.

Satish P. Subramanian

Organizations need to constantly innovate and improve products and services to maintain a strong competitive position in the market place. The vehicle used by organizations for such constant reinvention is a business transformation program. This book illustrates a tested program management roadmap along with the supporting comprehensive frameworks to successfully execute business transformation programs, formulated strategies, and strategic initiatives. It outlines the steps to successfully transform any business and deliver tangible business outcomes.

This breakthrough work establishes the linkage between strategy formulation and strategy execution through the program management discipline. It depicts how program management integrates strategy, people, process, technology, structure, and measurement on cross-functional initiatives. The author details the processes, techniques, and tools that a program management team can customize and easily implement on any type of strategic initiative within the private or public sector environment to deliver and sustain the expected business outcomes and benefits.

This book discusses the ten mandatory steps (or roadmap) needed to lead complex, business transformation programs to success. It showcases program management best practices and lessons learned though real-world case studies spanning different industry sectors and functional domains. Transforming Business with Program Management will equip executives, general managers, and program managers with the core skills necessary to effectively plan and implement business transformation strategies that drive sweeping business change and innovation.

Shirley A. Weis

In this candid, authentic and inspirational book for women, Shirley Weis reveals her principles for winning the game in business. When you read it, you will learn how to:
— Use “Just Respect” (TM) to build relationships throughout your organization
— Gain the experience that leaders require
— Thrive during challenges and survive failures
— Manage family needs while climbing the corporate ladder
— Earn a spot at the management table, even when it is full of men

Ryan T. Sauers

Would You Buy from You? Many people cannot answer this question or struggle with it only to find that their best response is a “maybe” or “uhhh I guess” or the noncommittal “it depends.” Huh? If You Would Not Buy from You, why would anyone else buy from you? The answer is simple. They will not and would not. This book helps us think in deep ways (EX: understanding your own and another’s worldview or WHY) yet can be read in a few hours. The book blends traditional and modern communication principles and explains how to achieve sales success in a noisy and short attention span world. Our world is constantly connected and overloaded with more information that can be consumed. We are stimulated by multimedia every waking minute. So, what do we do? We buy from people who are like us and who we understand. And from people who can clearly articulate their message in an authentic way with passion. We purchase from those who are creative and we deem as providing real value. We buy from people we TRUST. Our brand (indeed) makes the difference between (success or failure) in our sales and marketing efforts in 2015 and beyond. This book is broken into three main sections (that build on each other) and can be remembered with the acronym “CUB”. C is for Constantly Connected (modern world we live in); U is for an Under the Iceberg Mindset (below the surface level thinking); and B is for your Brand (our DNA that makes us unique). Only YOU can be YOU and this book shows you how to use this to your advantage and consistently add value in all that you sell and market. Thus, you will learn the difference in selling on “price” and selling value. Price is price. Value= Price +Goods/Services + YOU. After reading this book, the question changes to: “Why Would You Not Buy from You?”

Shelley Row

For a world of chronic over-thinkers, this book holds the key. In eight easy steps discover the essential role feelings play in creating a more fulfilling life and rewarding career. With wit, stories and a bit of neuroscience, the book shares tips from an executive, engineer and recovering over-thinker on how to live with meaning by thinking less. Built-in exercises allow you to put the tips to work immediately. Don’t over-think it — start reading now!