C-Suite Network™



Universally acknowledged is the undeniable importance of trust in fostering strong and thriving relationships. Regrettably, trust often goes unnoticed until it shatters, leaving individuals to grapple with the aftermath. At such a dire juncture, rectifying the harm inflicted may prove an insurmountable challenge.

Instead of relying on happenstance, we must actively concentrate on cultivating trust. By directing our attention towards this goal, our energy will naturally gravitate in that direction, aiding us in achieving it. As we embark on the journey of building high-trust relationships, it is imperative to bear in mind three fundamental truths about trust. Firstly, trust is not an incidental occurrence; rather, it is a skill that can be acquired and honed through deliberate and conscientious efforts.

The essence of trust lies in its nature as a skill rather than a mere spontaneous occurrence. Acquiring and nurturing trust demands intentional dedication and effort. To embark on this journey, having a clear framework that defines the components of trust within a relationship proves beneficial. In our Building Trust training program, we rely on the ABCD Trust Model, a powerful representation of the four pivotal elements of trust. When cultivating trust within a relationship, one must embody the qualities of being Able, Believable, Connected, and Dependable. Demonstrating competence, credibility, establishing meaningful connections, and unwavering reliability all play instrumental roles in building trust between individuals.

Trust is not merely an abstract, feel-good concept but rather a tangible skill that

can be honed through competence, integrity, connection, and dependability. The first element, “Able,” emphasizes the significance of being trusted due to one’s proficiency and expertise. When individuals exhibit knowledge, skills, and capabilities relevant to their roles, they naturally become trustworthy in their endeavors. The second element, “Believable,” centers on acting with integrity, adhering to personal and organizational values, and conducting oneself honestly, ethically, and fairly in all interactions. Establishing a sense of credibility and trustworthiness relies heavily on upholding these principles.

Moving forward, the third element, “Connected,” highlights the importance of building rapport and effective communication with others. Those who genuinely care about the well-being of their peers foster trust through genuine connections. The final element, “Dependable,” accentuates the value of keeping promises and being accountable, responsive, and reliable in fulfilling commitments. Such consistency and reliability create a strong foundation for trust within relationships.

The correlation between trust and organizational success is undeniable. Trust doesn’t solely reside within the realm of soft skills; it drives tangible results within organizations. Extensive research by the Great Place to Work Institute reveals that high-trust organizations boast a remarkable 50% lower turnover rate than their low-trust counterparts.

Furthermore, employees who trust their leaders perform 20% better and display an astounding 87% reduced likelihood of leaving the organization. The benefits of trust extend

regular performance, trustworthy employees are more inclined to remain with the organization, endorse it as a desirable workplace, and actively contribute to the collective welfare.

Taking the initiative to extend trust plays a crucial role in its development. Trust and risk go hand in hand, requiring someone to take the initial leap of faith. By trusting others, we set the stage for them to prove their trustworthiness and reciprocate the gesture. This virtuous cycle strengthens the foundation of trust within our relationships.

Like tending to a garden, building trust demands effort and consistency. Planting the seeds of trust, nurturing their growth, and consistently fostering their development is essential to witnessing the gradual but rewarding growth of high-trust relationships over time.

Trust is far from an intangible concept; it is a learnable skill built upon competence, integrity, connection, and dependability. Organizations that prioritize trust witness substantial benefits, and trustworthiness begins with individuals extending trust to others. Nurturing trust within relationships requires ongoing effort and patience, but the eventual rewards are invaluable, akin to a bountiful garden yielding the fruits of high-trust relationships.