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Savage CEOs: The New Rules of Ruthless Business Power

Being nice can often be a death sentence in the cutthroat business arena. Welcome to the world where the gloves come off and the rules are rewritten. Imagine transforming from a mild-mannered leader into a relentless powerhouse, crushing obstacles and competitors alike. This isn’t a fairy tale or a villain’s origin story—it’s the new playbook for survival and success.

In today’s ruthless business environment, the adage “nice guys finish last” has never been more accurate. CEOs who cling to outdated notions of kindness and niceties find themselves outpaced, outmaneuvered, and out of luck. It’s time to shed the Mr. Nice CEO facade and embrace the savage rules that drive real power and dominance.

In this article, we’ll dive deep into the savage rules that every aspiring powerhouse CEO needs to adopt. These aren’t just tips or tricks—they’re a comprehensive strategy to seize control, command respect, and achieve unparalleled success. So, buckle up, get ready to challenge your preconceived notions, and prepare to unleash your inner savage.

The Myth of the Nice CEO

Let’s start by debunking a pervasive myth: being a nice CEO leads to success. This misconception often stems from a desire to be liked rather than respected. Historical business leaders who were “nice” often left themselves behind in the race for innovation and market dominance. The truth is that niceness can sometimes be mistaken for weakness, and in the business world, weakness is fatal.

“Success is not for the timid. It is for those who seek guidance, make decisions, and take decisive action.” – Jose Silva

A relatable example from my journey highlights this. Early in my career, I believed maintaining harmony at all costs would lead to a productive work environment. However, this approach led to stagnation and missed opportunities. I saw real progress only when I adopted a more assertive and results-driven leadership style.

The Controversial Side of Savage Leadership

Being a savage CEO is bound to ruffle some feathers—hell, it’s practically a guarantee. The term “savage” itself conjures images of ruthless dictators, merciless cutthroats, and relentless pursuers of power. And why shouldn’t it? In the high-stakes business world, playing nice often means playing to lose.

Defining “Savage” in Business When discussing being a savage CEO, we’re not advocating for unethical behavior or heartless exploitation. Instead, we’re championing a mindset that prioritizes results, embraces boldness, and shuns the sugar-coated pleasantries that hold many leaders back. Savage leadership is about being fiercely committed to your vision, unapologetically making tough decisions, and relentlessly driving your team toward greatness.

“You don’t have to be a nice person to be a good person. You just have to be effective.” – Baz Porter

Ethical Considerations Here’s where it gets sticky. The idea of savage leadership raises ethical eyebrows. Critics will argue that such an approach can breed a toxic work environment, foster fear rather than respect, and undermine collaborative efforts. But let’s not kid ourselves—business is war, and in war, strategy, strength, and a touch of ruthlessness can be the difference between victory and defeat. The key is to balance this savagery with integrity, ensuring that while you’re tough, you’re also fair and principled.

“The road to power is paved with audacity and tenacity.” – Unknown

Real-World Examples Look at the business titans who have shaped industries with their relentless drive and unyielding standards. Steve Jobs wasn’t known for his warm and fuzzy leadership style, but his uncompromising vision turned Apple into a global juggernaut. Jeff Bezos’s ruthless pursuit of efficiency and innovation has made Amazon a behemoth in the retail world. These leaders weren’t afraid to be controversial, make enemies, or push boundaries. Their success is a testament to the power of savage leadership done right.

“Fortune favors the bold, and business favors the ruthless.” – Baz Porter

The savage CEO isn’t about being cruel for cruelty’s sake; it’s about stripping away the fluff and focusing on what truly matters—results. It’s about having the audacity to make decisions that others shy away from, the courage to hold yourself and your team to the highest standards, and the vision to lead with unapologetic clarity.

Yes, this approach is controversial. It’s not for the faint-hearted or the easily offended. But in a world where business is a battlefield, only the savages survive and thrive. If you’re ready to ditch the Mr. Nice CEO act and embrace the raw, unfiltered power of savage leadership, then welcome to the new rules of business power. It’s time to dominate.

Actionable Steps for Embracing Savage Leadership

Step 1: Embrace a Results-Driven Mindset

  • Set Aggressive Goals: Don’t settle for mediocrity. Aim high and set challenging targets for yourself and your team. Track progress relentlessly and hold everyone accountable for their performance.
  • Measure Performance Ruthlessly: Use data and metrics to evaluate success. Celebrate achievements, but also address shortcomings head-on. Implement a no-excuses culture where only results matter.

Step 2: Cultivate a Bold Attitude

  • Develop Resilience: Business is tricky, and setbacks are inevitable. Build mental toughness to bounce back from failures and keep pushing forward. Embrace challenges as opportunities to grow.
  • Assertive Decision-Making: Don’t hesitate when making tough calls. Trust your instincts, back your decisions with solid reasoning, and stand by them. Indecision is the enemy of progress.

Step 3: Master the Art of Influence and Persuasion

  • Use Psychological Tactics: Understand what motivates your team and stakeholders. Leverage this knowledge to inspire and drive them towards your vision. Techniques like positive reinforcement and strategic incentives can work wonders.
  • Master Negotiation Skills: Be prepared, know your worth, and always aim to secure the best deals. Effective negotiation is a blend of confidence, patience, and strategic thinking.

Step 4: Implement Effective Systems for Dominance

  • Streamline Operations: Identify inefficiencies and eliminate them. Optimize processes to ensure smooth, efficient workflows. Use tools and technologies that enhance productivity and reduce bottlenecks.
  • Automate Processes: Wherever possible, automate repetitive tasks to free up time for strategic thinking and innovation. Automation reduces errors and increases consistency.

Step 5: Build a Culture of Excellence

  • Set High Standards: Communicate your expectations for performance and behavior. Encourage a culture where excellence is the norm, not the exception. Reward top performers and address underperformance swiftly.
  • Foster Continuous Improvement: Create an environment where feedback is valued and learning is encouraged. Regularly review processes and outcomes to identify areas for improvement.

Step 6: Develop Relentless Focus

  • Prioritize Ruthlessly: Identify the most critical tasks that drive your business forward and focus on them. Eliminate distractions and delegate non-essential tasks to others.
  • Maintain Laser-Focused Execution: Once priorities are set, execute with precision. Avoid getting sidetracked by less important issues and focus relentlessly on your key objectives.

Step 7: Lead with Unapologetic Clarity

  • Communicate Your Vision: Clearly articulate your vision and goals to your team. Ensure everyone understands the big picture and their role in achieving it.
  • Be Transparent: Share both successes and failures openly. Honesty builds trust and fosters a culture where people feel empowered to take risks and innovate.

“Great things never come from comfort zones.” – Roy T. Bennett

By adopting these savage rules, you’ll transform from a nice CEO into a powerhouse leader. The RAMS framework—Results, Attitude, Mastery, Systems—will be your guiding compass, driving you to unparalleled success. It’s time to unleash your inner savage and dominate the business world.


The journey from being an excellent CEO to a savage powerhouse is not for the faint of heart. Still, it’s a transformation that can redefine your leadership and catapult your business to unprecedented heights. By embracing a results-driven mindset, cultivating boldness, mastering influence, and implementing effective systems, you position yourself as a leader and a force to be reckoned with.

To recap, savage leadership is about:

  • Prioritizing results above all else.
  • Making bold, assertive decisions.
  • Using influence and persuasion effectively.
  • Streamlining and automating operations.
  • Building a culture of excellence.
  • Maintaining relentless focus.
  • Leading with unapologetic clarity.

These principles, aligned with the RAMS framework, will help you dominate your industry and achieve unparalleled success.

But don’t just take my word for it—experience the transformation yourself. If you’re ready to shed the Mr. Nice CEO persona and step into your power, it’s time to take action.

Ready to Unleash Your Inner Savage CEO?

Join me for an exclusive, no-holds-barred business consultation—The Adventure Call. We’ll dive deep into your current challenges, strategize your path to dominance, and unlock your full potential as a leader. This isn’t just a meeting; it’s the first step on your journey to becoming a powerhouse CEO.

Click here to schedule your Adventure Call now. Let’s make your business unstoppable.

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