C-Suite Network™

Inspirational Leadership in Trying Times of Crisis – How To Elevate Your Company Culture

What are your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to leadership in trying times of crisis?

That question is not necessarily an easy question. And oftentimes the leadership assessments don’t give a truly satisfying result. That’s why the following story could be of service for your leadership growth in these trying times of crisis.

“There once was a king and queen couple. They were revered by the people they reigned. But the land got invaded. And the time to step up their game had come.

Before this day though, things seemed to be easy. It was all about letting the people do their thing within the confines of a safe and well-ruled land. Everyone felt at home and on purpose. Life was good. And even the sky didn’t look like a limit to any of them.

Through securing the ways of freedom, trade and development, they had thus accomplished a great many things. Everyone received profits in different shapes and forms. And happiness and prosperity were as normal as the clean air they could breathe and the clear water they could drink, every day.

Until that moment came…

The invasion of dark forces and destructive patterns took a hold on their world. Freedom began to become a far off illusion. Trade got stalled and stuff got stolen. Developments were reversed and all outlooks for growth got destroyed.

Indeed it were trying times of crisis.

The couple got together with their most trusted advisors. Those advisors had intelligence and information from the peoples in the field. And the meeting was orchestrated so an invisible but infinitely powerful Benefactor could supply the timely wisdom they needed so much right now.

What came out of that meeting was a new balance of clarity on strengths and weaknesses. The strengths were all aligned with a grander vision previously unseen. The weaknesses were all confined to a balancing polarity, now productive again for a shared way forward as all being equal to the king and queen.

And so the darkness got destroyed by its own destructive forces. And the light shone upon the lands once again galore! Indeed the crisis was overcome. And everyone was led into a form of benevolence that was never seen before.”

What is the moral of this story?

  • You can clearly see that it refers to some actual events. In that respect, it hopefully gives you some hope.
  • You can also see that it refers to powers within each and every one of us. In that respect, it hopefully gives you some deeper understanding for creating and building a better company culture.
  • And you can see that it beholds a promise, something that can be made real through conscious choice. So…

Is it your strength to choose for new inspirational leadership now in these trying times of crisis? Can you indeed balance the weaknesses so they become a productive polarity for something better?

If you also believe in genuine inspiration for doing more good in the world then you’re invited to >>read this letter now<<

What are your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to leadership in trying times of crisis?

Because it is possible. It is doable. And it is time to embody it now.

I hope this story already helps a bit.

Thank you for reading.


Maurits van Sambeek, MA

Author of >>Omnibenevolence<<


PS: If you want to talk deeper about the topics and themes of this story then you can >>contact me here on LinkedIn<<

PPS: If you want to receive genuine new inspiration for doing more good in the world then you’re invited to >>read this letter now<<

And you can go even deeper to reach higher forms of inspiration again and again by getting your copy of >>Omnibenevolence<<