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Hesitation: Leadership’s Silent Killer

The phrase “He who hesitates is lost” is a proverbial expression that dates to the early 18th century. Joseph Addison popularized it in his play “Cato,” written in 1712. The entire line from the play is: “Faint heart ne’er won fair lady.”

But let’s not mince words because “S*** or Get Off the Pot” pretty much sums it up in layman’s (or lay-women’s) terms. Action, hot hesitation, is the movement (pun intended) that makes the music man march through town.

In a world brimming with leadership advice, there’s a peculiar irony often overlooked. The revered principle that ‘good leaders do everything in their power to remove obstacles’ can paradoxically become the most significant obstacle. In the spirit of contrarian wisdom, I’ve decided to delve into why hesitation, rather than hurdles, might be the silent killer of effective leadership. Now, don’t think for a moment I never hesitated. In fact, I’ve been quoted more than a few times in my career, ‘I thought about procrastinating, but decided to put it off until tomorrow.’ But here’s the thing, hesitation is not a permanent state. It’s a challenge that can be overcome, leading to growth and improvement in leadership effectiveness.

Leaders who obsessively dissect constraints, whether structural, personal, or imaginary, often find themselves stuck in a quagmire of indecision. The tragicomedy is that their meticulous efforts to identify and eliminate hindrances actually end up being the biggest hindrance of all.

Structural Issues: The Convenient Alibi

Structural issues within an organization are real but can also be a convenient scapegoat. Consider the leader who endlessly bemoans the lack of immediate feedback mechanisms or the rigidity of company policies. These complaints, while valid, often mask a deeper reluctance to embrace change. Instead of pushing for necessary reforms or finding creative workarounds, these leaders hide behind the comfort of blaming the system. This reluctance isn’t just tragic; it’s almost laughable, stifling innovation and agility while preserving the comforting illusion of effort.

The Endless Loop of Self-Reflection

Asking team members, “What can I do to make you more productive?” sounds noble, but when it becomes a perpetual cycle, it turns into a farce. Leaders who constantly engage in these reflective exercises risk fostering a culture of dependency. Team members, conditioned to expect leaders to solve every problem, may become complacent, their initiative stifled. The irony here is delicious: leaders, in their quest to eliminate obstacles, create a new, more insidious one—themselves.

Manufactured Impediments: The Leadership Mirage

The notion that many obstacles are self-manufactured or psychological offers a rich vein of irony. Leaders who incessantly ask, “What can you do to make yourself more productive?” might inadvertently instill self-doubt and overthinking in their teams. This relentless introspection can lead to a collective analysis paralysis, where both leaders and team members are caught in a never-ending loop of self-questioning and hesitation. It’s a tragicomedy where the well-meaning quest for self-improvement morphs into a debilitating cycle of inaction.

The Illusion of Perfection

The pursuit of removing every obstacle can create an illusion of perfectionism that is both unattainable and counterproductive. Leaders might strive for an ideal state where all constraints are eradicated before taking significant steps. This utopian vision, however, is a mirage. Real-world leadership demands navigating and thriving amid challenges, not waiting for elusive perfection. The fixation on flawlessness becomes a cruel joke, paralyzing leaders and preventing them from acting decisively.

The Power of Imperfection

Effective leadership is not about creating a flawless environment but fostering resilience and adaptability. Leaders should recognize that some obstacles are intrinsic to the dynamic nature of any organization. Leaders set a powerful example by accepting this reality and demonstrating the courage to act amid constraints. They show success is not about waiting for perfect conditions but making progress despite imperfections. This embrace of imperfection is not just wise; it’s essential.




The contrarian perspective on leadership exposes a poignant irony: the fixation on removing obstacles can be the most significant hurdle to effective action. Leaders must balance pursuing a supportive environment with the imperative to act boldly and decisively. By embracing imperfection and fostering a culture of resilience, leaders can overcome the paradox of hesitation and drive their teams toward greater productivity and innovation. The true mark of leadership lies not in the absence of obstacles but in the ability to lead effectively amidst them. This is the tragicomedy of leadership—the silent killer is often the hesitation born from the wisdom intended to eradicate it.

The Comedy of Over-Analysis

Imagine a leader who treats every decision like a high-stakes chess game. The endless deliberation over every move isn’t just tiresome; it’s paralyzing. This over-analysis, often touted as thoroughness, is actually fear in disguise—a fear of making imperfect decisions.

David Dunworth
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