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3 B2B Content Secrets You Can’t Afford to Ignore

Marketers aren’t in the habit of revealing their tricks and tactics openly. That makes it all the more useful to know the secrets marketers would prefer were kept under wraps. Here are three that anyone involved in B2B marketing should know about.



SECRET #1: There Has To Be a Reason To Follow You

The digital world of the internet has fundamentally transformed how marketing works. Today, the first step in the process of winning a customer is getting them to follow and otherwise engage with your brand online. Landing a sale may be the ultimate point, but the proximate goal of modern, digital marketing is engagement.

The famous formulation “content is king” neatly captures the reality of digital marketing. But it can’t just be any content — it needs to be quality content.

To put it one way, you need to be providing potential customers with something valuable long before you reach the point of selling them your product.

SECRET #2: You Have to Solve a Specific Problem

Just like there’s more than one way to skin a cat, there are plenty of ways to provide value to a digital audience. The key, really, is simply to have a clear, definite, thought-out strategy. A haphazard, improvisational approach is unlikely to get you anywhere. That, however, is where most B2B digital marketing campaigns are.

Ask yourself a few basic questions:

  • What is the purpose of this content?
  • How does it provide value?
  • Why does it exist?
  • How does it fit into the short-term of your marketing goals?
  • How about the long-term?


Try to look at things from the perspective of your potential audience when pondering these questions.

Ideally, you want to be able to solve a specific issue your target audience has. In practical terms, that means generating a sense of the audience you want to connect with before crafting content. That’s pretty much the whole idea behind content needing a strategic purpose — content should be designed for a specific end.

SECRET #3: Your Follower Count Isn’t Quite As Important As You Think

While you do want to use quality content to grow how many followers you have on social media, getting a high follower count isn’t really the goal itself. Ultimately, you are on someone else’s turf on social media.

Social media sites are businesses with their own goals that don’t directly align with what you want to accomplish.

That’s why attaining followers on social media is ultimately just a step in the process. What you want to do is move those followers elsewhere, where you can deepen their connection to your brand. Try to get them onto your website. Get their email address.

A social media site is a kind of middleman. You want to cut past that middleman and establish a direct relationship with your followers. Do that by focusing on driving your audience from your platforms to your website or lead capture page.

For more information visit tylerhayzlett.com

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