C-Suite Network™

Building the Brand of You

From my view of the world, I believe everyone is here to serve a larger purpose. That purpose is woven into our innate gifts, fueled by our fiery passions, and manifested in the intentional choices we make. It is our brilliance. To me, the content we create is the expression of that brilliance, and my personal mission is to inspire others to maximize their expressions for the greatest possible success.

Strategic content utilization has been a part of my professional career for many years. As a speaker, author, and podcaster, I have been a creator of my own original content based on my expertise in mindful performance. As a coach, I help others crystallize their ideas and insights to their essence so that they can systematically develop platforms, products, and performances around it. And as the Head of Thought Leadership for the C-Suite Network, I get to work with amazing experts from across the globe who want to optimize their content to scale their businesses and have greater influence.

In this role, I am honored to work alongside Chairman Jeffrey Hayzlett in our premier community of world-class thought leaders, Thought Council, within the C-Suite Network. Jeffrey says, “Sell you, sell the company; sell the company, sell you.” This is the basis of The Brand of You strategy and impacts EVERY executive who desires greater influence and impact.

As a community builder for the network, I talk to hundreds of executives and thought leaders about their business goals and how they can use their content more effectively. While every business challenge is unique to the organization, leader, industry, and offering, there are three universal reasons I have seen that have prevented otherwise wildly talented professionals from effectively leveraging their content:

  1. They lack clarity. Just because they are brilliant doesn’t mean they have the time or talent to create a thoughtful, relevant strategic plan that clearly articulates that brilliance or identifies the highest priority tactics that will help them reach the ideal audience and meet their goals.
  2. They are overwhelmed. Even if they DO have a clearly articulated plan of attack, they don’t have the time or talent to get it all done. Creating a compelling content marketing strategy isn’t their nemesis — the practical implementation of one is.
  3. They don’t know what they don’t know. The smartest people do one thing consistently: They get in the room with OTHER smart people who help illuminate blind spots, share best practices, and generate expansive opportunities. Chapter 10 of Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich outlines the magic that happens when two or more like-minded people get together in pursuit of a common goal. Conscious collaboration works.

As a contextual modeler, I have broken down the complex landscape of content marketing into three core steps to leveraging one’s valuable intellectual property — and how the C-Suite Network professional community and media platforms can help:

Clarify your brilliance by participating in psychologically safe mastermind groups like the C-Suite Network premier communities of Thought Council and The Hero Club for breakthrough hot seats, trusted advisory coaching, and open sharing of best practices and tools that save precious time and money.

Amplify your brilliance across the four ways people take in content — they read, listen, watch, and interact. Find them where they are at, whether it’s a relevant article on the C-Suite Network Advisors platform, a podcast interview on C-Suite Radio, an episode of your own TV show on C-Suite TV, or at a C-Suite Network member mixer where you get to share or offer up a give (like a link to your latest piece of content!) Further enhance your amplification efforts with PR, social media content curation, SEO, targeted lead generation, and other value-soaked services offered by C-Suite Network Professional Services.

Monetize your brilliance by creating distinct, easy-to-understand business models ideally messaged and value-matched to the perfect audience, all of which are built upon each other to maximize efficiencies. Put a comprehensive plan in place to have your audience walk through a journey with you and your content, from establishing you as an industry leader to optimizing your web presence to establishing a high-conversion funnel to creating a movement around your mission. Crawl. Walk. Run. Soar!

Taking these steps will undoubtedly enable your content to make a bigger impact. True scalability, however, only happens when our growth efforts are based on not only the PLATFORMS we place our content on but also, just as importantly, the PEOPLE we connect with.

Whether it’s C-Suite Radio hosts sharing podcast interview opportunities, C-Suite Network Executive Leaders introducing each other for lucrative sponsorships at marquis media events, or Thought Council members creating synergistic PARTNERSHIPS that create success for all, it’s the power of the mastermind at work. And it’s the best part of my job.




It is the weaving of these three core aspects of our content-driven connection economy that creates a powerful Brand of You that will be seen — and activated.


Theresa Rose leads the Thought Leadership communities in the C-Suite Network and is passionate about helping others leverage their gifts and talents for maximum impact. For more information on Theresa’s work as a thought leader, community builder, and content crystallizer, visit TheresaRose.com.