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Why Should You Participate in Pop-Up Events?

Experiential Marketing can entail a wide array of methods to create an authentic, positive and unforgettable customer connection to your brand. And one way to create a memorable consumer experience is to launch a pop up event. A pop up, or a temporary retail space, is a fun way to introduce potential consumers to your company, and your products or service. Pop up events are a great vehicle for:

  • testing new products or locations
  • spreading the word about your company
  • finding a budget-friendly way to enhance your exposure

So how do pop up events work, and what do you need to know to ensure your pop up is successful? Here’s a quick introduction to this trending option for experiential marketing.

A Primer on Pop-Up Events

What type of business benefits from a pop up event?

All kinds of companies can enhance their exposure with a pop up! Renting a space for a short-term time period is inexpensive and readily available at multiple locales in almost every corner of the country. From restaurants to retailers, service providers to consulting services, pop-up events are for any sized business. So long as you can identify a locale where your customers tend to congregate, a pop up can boost your marketing game.

What helps make a pop up event a success?

Every company is different when it comes to optimal marketing strategies. And the key is to find that perfect combination of the right venue, logistics, technology, and element of surprise to draw customers in. At MOGXP, we’re experts at identifying pop up opportunities to maximize your efforts.

What are the benefits of a pop up?

One of the best aspects of a pop up is that companies often see a high rate of return for a minimal investment. Because you are only renting a small space for a short period of time, the costs involved to host a pop up are generally low.Conversely, the amount of exposure and sales you can generate with a pop up is enticing. Pop ups encourage impulse buying, simply because they are temporary.

Making Pop-Up Events Great for Experiential Marketing

As easy as they seem on cost and commitment, a lot of strategy goes into planning a pop up event that attracts a crowd.

Consider these helpful tips on initial strategies for success with your upcoming pop up.

Offer something different

According to recent research, pop ups are currently a $10 billion dollar industry in the U.S. But as the popularity of pop ups grows, so do customers’ expectations. Modern consumers expect something that goes beyond a brick-and-mortar store experience at a pop up. So make sure you have something extra special to offer! Product samples, one-on-one consultations, and interactive experiences are all good starts.

Location, location, location

A successful pop up is dependent on a great location. You want your pop up to be somewhere where there’s plenty of foot traffic, but also where you’d find your ideal consumer. Think of your target demographic and market, and where your customers may congregate. From shopping malls, to farmers markets, to local college campuses, uncovering where your customers are located is the first step in attracting a crowd.

Think about timing

Finding that perfect timing for a pop up can entail a lot of factors. For example, you may want to catch the professional crowd before or after they leave the office. Or you may want to garner the attention of Millennials when they can spend some time discovering what you have to offer. Think about your demographic’s typical daily schedule, and go from there. With the right combination of location and timing, you’ll boost your pop up’s success.

Spread the word!

While a big part of the appeal of a pop up is the surprise factor, you want to generate a lot of buzz before your event so that customers can find you. Use social media, email campaigns, online advertising, press releases, and other tools to spread the word. And don’t forget to target your current customer base! The customers who already love and use your products are one of your best, free resources. As a result, they’ll help you attract new consumers.