C-Suite Network™

Is YOUR Brand Ready For the New Normal?

Have you seen this one?

There’s a popular meme going around the internet asking who led the digital transformation of your business in 2020.

Your CEO, CTO, or COVID?






The pandemic gave us all a really interesting look at what running our business is going to be like moving forward.

When everything is digital, including how we find and attract new customers online.

We have the added pressure of not just convincing people why they should buy from us but why follow us online before ever becoming a customer in the first place.

This is why we’re all basically media brands today.



The #1 Challenge Facing B2B Brands Today

Finding and engaging with customers online has become the #1 challenge for b2b brands today.

Gone went the days of being able to rely outbound marketing and networking events (insert your familiar traditional marketing tactics here).

Today, when the customer is in control of the content they consume online, creating content to convert their attention on the subject they’re interested in.

Brands can no longer rely on traditional methods alone to simply exist in their marketplaces. Instead, we must live out and act on their values on increasingly digital platforms.

Where we will either thrive or die on them.


If You’re Not Putting Out Relevant Content Online – You Don’t Exist On It…

Create Your Content Strategy

In order to find and attract new customers online, businesses are turning to content marketing to create the content their customers want to consume.

That’s why it’s important to have a content mission statement. Here’s how…


3 Questions to Determine Your Content Mission Statement:

1.Who is the target audience for your content?


2.What media (articles, podcast, video channel) will you create to reach them?


3.What outcome or benefit will your audience receive by subscribing?


What problem are you going to solve and champion for your subscribers?

Instead of creating direct marketing messages for why people should buy from you treat your site, your video channel, or podcast for your target audience to come to for advice.




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