C-Suite Network™

Steven Rosen

52 Sales Management Tips is written for sales managers who struggle within a corporate environment that doesn’t always support them or their development needs. Whether you are a sales executive, senior sales leader or a new, experienced or aspiring sales manager I’m confident you will find this book to be a valuable guide to consult whenever you are experiencing problems.

Front line sales managers are facing unprecedented change. Managers are dealing with increased demands to do more with less and are still expected to drive sales performance. With little support from the next-line of sales management and a lack of relevant courses and ongoing development you may feel stretched to the limit.
Overworked and under-supported front line sales managers are desperately looking for resources to improve their performance. This book was written for sales managers who understand the need to develop themselves. They have figured out that they must take charge of their own success.
Steven Rosen has distilled over 20 years of my sales management, sales executive and sales executive coaching insights into one simple reference guide. He is always amazed at the positive reaction he continually receive when he shares these tips with the sales leaders that he coaches. Once you begin, you will immediately begin to benefit from his experience coaching mediocre managers into “star sales leaders.” You, yourself will become a sales leader to follow.

Timothy Keiningham

Customer Loyalty Isn’t Enough. Grow Your Share of Wallet! The Wallet Allocation Rule by Timothy Keiningham is a revolutionary, definitive guide for winning the battle for share of customers’ hearts, minds, and wallets. Backed by rock-solid science published in the Harvard Business Review and MIT Sloan Management Review, this landmark book introduces a new and rigorously tested approach–the Wallet Allocation Rule–that is proven to link to the most important measure of customer loyalty: share of wallet. Companies currently spend billions of dollars each year measuring and managing metrics like customer satisfaction and Net Promoter Score (NPS) to improve customer loyalty. These metrics, however, have almost no correlation to share of wallet. As a result, the returns on investments designed to improve the customer experience are frequently near zero, even negative.

With The Wallet Allocation Rule, managers finally have the missing link to business growth within their grasp–the ability to link their existing metrics to the share of spending that customers allocate to their brands. – Learn why improving satisfaction (or NPS) does not improve share. – Apply the Wallet Allocation Rule to discover what really drives customer spending. – Uncover new metrics that really matter to achieve growth. By applying the Wallet Allocation Rule, managers get real insight into the money they currently get from their customers, the money available to be earned by them, and what it takes to get it. The Wallet Allocation Rule by Tim Keiningham provides managers with a blueprint for sustainable long-term growth.

Wally Hauck

The aim of this book is to compel leaders to replace their typical performance appraisal methods with one more closely aligned with systems thinking. In addition, the aim is to replace it with one that actually achieves the desired outcomes of increasing individual development, improving communication between employees, implementing organizational strategies, and improving organizational performance. The motivation to replace the typical performance appraisal methods is achieved by clearly articulating four essential steps. First, the book clearly demonstrates the folly of using the typical performance appraisal. It provides compelling evidence of its inability to achieve the intended outcomes. Most leaders who use the typical appraisal process are already convinced of this. Second, the book explains how we have all been misled (with the best of intentions) to adopt a flawed paradigm that sustains (justifies) the use of the typical appraisal. Third, it describes a more effective leadership paradigm (systems thinking and Dr. W. Edward Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge) which is based on a set of assumptions consistent with systems thinking. Finally, Wally Hauck’s book provides a replacement for the typical performance appraisal (aligned with the more effective paradigm) which enables leaders to address the daunting contemporary challenges that keep them awake at night.

Mark Sephton

DISCOVER who you are. IMAGINE who you could be, and ACHIEVE all the potential within you.

We are all only as good as the thoughts we think. What are you thinking? If you want to change your life, you have to change the way you think. Your mind is a steering wheel, and you can move it in any direction you desire.

Personal mentor to entrepreneurs Mark Sephton challenges you to create the right environment and mental culture to tap into your creative genius.

Inside Job is built on your capability to work on the way you think, act and behave. Your beliefs about who you are determine your behaviour. The way we think, our attitude and mindset toward ourselves is an “inside job.” Discovering your own identity and purpose is paramount to achieving extraordinary shifts in the way you live, develop and advance. In this way, you can fully understand who you are and live out of your own identity.

As a society, we’re only one thought away from a cure for AIDS and cancer. We must create an environment where we each intentionally strengthen our ability to harvest the thoughts that could bring liberation, breakthrough and success— not just for ourselves but for our communities and our world.

Sephton share’s his personal story of struggle, setbacks and challenges that have shaped the successful man he is today. Often in life, others want what you have, but few are willing to go through what you did in order to get it. Mark shares his story to encourage and liberate and, in the process, reveals stories that created mindset shifts, character building and a mental culture that stimulated personal growth. Inside Job encourages people to have the audacity not just to think and dream, but to act.

Sephton shares countless groundbreaking methods and mindset shifts that have led to the turnaround of entrepreneurial businesses and their leaders through his professional life:

  • The ability to take a thought and put it into action
  • Be you everyone else is taken
  • Jump in the driver’s seat, and take the wheel
  • Life is a marathon not a sprint
  • Breaks lead to breakthroughs
  • Small victories today will change the course of tomorrow
  • Turn adversity into advantage
  • We learn so much from mistakes— let’s go make some more
  • Affect the environment in which you are planted

Brian Basillico

If you are looking for a “How-To” social networking book, then this is not for you. This is a “Why-To” book. If you have been overwhelmed and confused by all the conflicting examples and theories about why social networking works for some and not for others, this book will be an eye opening, breath of fresh air.

You will learn why relationships, both new and nurtured ones, are golden for you and your business. This book will demystify using the internet and social media to successfully market your business. In this ever changing world of instant gratification and measurable communications, you need to know the tools and methodologies that create real interaction and engagement.

It’s Not About You, It’s About Bacon will help you get noticed, become memorable and top of mind, and grow your brand and business through tested and proven Face-to-Face and Social Networking techniques.

David Long

Did you know that of every 100 employees hired, only 6 or 7 will ever be promoted to their first management position. If you’re a manager now, and you probably are if you’re reading this, “Congratulations!” You’re one of the 7% who made it! That’s the good news. Now, here’s the bad news. Statistically speaking you won’t be promoted again. The vast majority of these first time managers will eventually fail, and only 1 in 7 will stay in management with their present company for 5 years. Built to Lead is a “get-in-the-trenches with you, no-holds-barred” discussion about maximizing your ability to have an amazing management career. It tackles, head-on, the lies you’ve been told about how to reach the top in your company, and shows you what REALLY WORKS! David has reached the Top 10% in three separate industries, and the principles he teaches are universal, regardless of your industry. You’ll read the stories of ordinary people (just like you), from managers, employees, and friends, who are very successful today as a result of listening to the advice contained in this book. Motivational CEO David Long shares with you his powerful “7 Management R.E.W.A.R.D.S Principles” for career success.

Tony Alessandra


  • When you encounter difficult people – you know how to adapt to them.
  • Where you meet challenging situations – you have the skills transform them.
  • In times when you face the unknown – you remain fearless.
  • If you dream of all that and more… then People Smart in Business is the book you need.

People Smart in Business is a unique blend of scientific research on human behavior and my 34+ years of teaching people smarts – through The Platinum Rule®.

Once you’ve been exposed to these hands-on, proven and practical principles, you’ll find that you will have access to uncommon wisdom allowing you to:

  • Become a more loved and effective boss
  • Gain effortless cooperation of even the most difficult people
  • Positively influence your business peers
  • Build quick rapport that creates lifelong relationships
  • Get along with all types of people from every walk of life

Curious about how People Smart in Business achieves all this?

Well, here’s its secret formula…

Ever wondered why your natural behavior sometimes seems to alienate people? It is because that same behavior may not be natural for others. You know in your heart – you have the highest intentions. If you want to get along with your colleagues, employees and bosses, it’s essential to become aware of your natural tendencies – and their natural preferences!

Here is the key…

You must learn to determine and distinguish the four major behavioral styles. People Smart in Business shows you how do this, by helping you to learn about your own style first, then showing you quick and easy ways to identify the styles of others. Finally, you learn how to adjust your behavior so that you become versatile, adaptable and widely popular.

It gets even better.

Learn to apply People Smart in Business and soon you unconsciously begin to draw out the best in everyone around you. You notice how easy it becomes for you to gain the trust and respect of even the most cynical people you meet.

People Smart in Business is very easy to read, and simple to adapt.

Here is what you get:

Part One “Understanding People Smarts” contains four powerful chapters that help you to identify and better deal with virtually everyone. The “The Platinum Rule®” chapter teaches you more about treating others the way they want to be treated, not the way you want to be treated -without being phony or underhanded. The “I Know Who You Are, But What Am I?” chapter describes each behavioral style and help you determine which one you are. Next, you learn how to identify other people’s natural styles. The “Adaptability” chapter includes both versatility and flexibility characteristics and helps you determine how adaptable you are in life’s varying situations.

Part Two of People Smart in Business deals with “Workplace Applications.” The three chapters here focus on getting along with everyone on the job, leadership styles, and how to sell and deliver quality service with style.

This is a reader-friendly book. You can use and re-use it as a constant companion to consult when dealing with difficult people and stressful situations.

People Smart in Business gives you the tools to get what you want in various work situations and equips you with the power and knowledge to cash in on these insights through more positive and productive exchanges with others. You can realistically take charge of improving all your work relationships and this book shows how.

Tony Alessandra

In this entertaining and thought-provoking book, Tony Alessandra and Michael O’Connor argue that the “Golden Rule” is not always the best way to approach people. Rather, they propose the Platinum Rule: “Do unto others as “they’d” like done unto them”. In other words, find out what makes people tick and go from there.

Dave Pottruck

Change is a constant, and leaders must do more than keep up–they must innovate and accelerate to succeed. Yet people are often unnerved by change. As a leader during a time of transformation, you may stand up before teams that are indifferent, or even hostile, and need to convince them that change is necessary and urgent. More than money, time, or resources, the ability to lead these people determines your ultimate success or failure. What does it take to be an effective change leader and increase the odds of success?

Stacking the Deck offers a proven, practical approach for inspiring meaningful, lasting change across an organization. Stacking the Deck presents a nine-step course of action leaders can follow from the first realization that change is needed through all the steps of implementation, including assembling the right team of close advisors and getting the word out to the wider group.

Based on Dave Pottruck’s experiences leading change as CEO of Charles Schwab and later as chairman of CorpU and HighTower Advisors, these steps provide a guide to ensure that your change initiative and your team have the best possible shot at success. In addition, established business leaders who have led extraordinary change initiatives demonstrate the steps in action. These executives include eBay CEO John Donahoe, Wells Fargo former CEO Dick Kovacevich, Starbucks chief executive officer Howard Schultz, San Francisco Giants CEO Larry Baer, JetBlue CEO Dave Barger, Asurion CEO Steve Ellis, Pinkberry CEO Ron Graves, and Intel’s President Renee James, among others.

Leading an organization through major change–whether it’s the introduction of a new product, an expansion to a new territory, or a difficult downsizing–is not for the faint of heart. While success is never guaranteed, the right leadership, process, and team make all the difference. For all leaders facing major change in their organizations, Stacking the Deck is an indispensable resource for putting the odds in your favor.

Salim Ismail

For hundreds of years, traditional business structures have put an organizational/legal boundary around an asset or a workforce and ‘sold’ access to that scarcity. However, just in the last few years, a new breed of organizational structure is emerging that is able to scale at unimaginable rates – we call these Exponential Organizations (ExOs). These new organization structures are leveraging a newly available set of externalities like big data, community, the crowd or accelerating technologies and by doing so, are performing 10x better than their peers in the same space. This book examines the attributes of an Exponential Organization and provides a how-to guide for building a startup with these principles, how the principles can be applied to a mid-market company and how to retrofit these ideas into large organizations.