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Empowering Parents: Strategies for Dealing with Hyperactive Children

Parenting a hyperactive child presents unique challenges, as every day brings its own set of highs and lows. While we cherish our vibrant children with all our hearts, some days can be a joy, while others may leave us feeling overwhelmed on how to deal with a hyperactive child, questioning ourselves, What should I do if my child is hyperactive?

Minimizing meltdowns and misunderstandings takes experience, but with expert guidance on how do you cope with a hyperactive child, you can integrate strategies into your family life that not only foster harmony but also promote growth for everyone involved.

Many children with Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and/or a Hyperactive Personality exhibit impulsive tendencies, restlessness, and difficulty focusing. They may also experience mood swings and a tendency to jump from one activity to another. This can make it challenging for them in various aspects of life, including:

  • Following instructions
  • Focusing on schoolwork
  • Completing tasks
  • Staying organized
  • Engaging in social interactions

However, it’s important to recognize that their behavior often stems from internal factors rather than mere disobedience. Despite external appearances, they are not simply ‘acting up’. Given the tumultuous recent years, it’s vital to approach our hyperactive children with patience and understanding. So, what steps can we take to help them navigate this complex world?

Here are 9 Crucial Tips for Coping With a Hyperactive Child, curated by Katherine herself:

  1. Find a constructive way to channel your child’s energy
    Hyperactive children thrive on activity, so seek ways to channel their energy into enjoyable and engaging pursuits. Whether it’s soccer, martial arts, reading, or a fascination with a particular subject or animal, there are numerous avenues to keep them occupied and learning. Activities that focus on sensory experiences and play-based learning can enhance their concentration, memory skills, and overall development.
  2. Treat Your Child as an Equal
    Gone are the days of the adage, “Children should be seen and not heard.” Research now emphasizes the importance of nurturing, trusting relationships in a child’s development. Showering affection and attention on your child does not spoil them; rather, it fosters emotional growth and attachment. Early emotional development and learning are intertwined, with studies indicating that gentle touch stimulates the right side of the brain, building trust. It’s essential to avoid muting a hyperactive and headstrong child but rather embrace their unique qualities.
  3. Routine, Routine, Routine
    While rigid, military-like routines may stifle a hyperactive child, establishing a regular schedule can provide stability and security. Consistent wake-up times, bedtimes, meal schedules, and assigned chores can help hyperactive children feel more grounded and prevent boredom.
  4. Be Your Child’s Advocate
    Upon diagnosis (or suspicion) of ADHD in your child, everyone seems to become an expert on the condition. From family members to teachers to well-meaning friends, opinions abound. However, you are the one who knows your child best. Collaborate with trusted individuals, professionals, and educators to devise a tailored plan and ongoing strategy. Do not hesitate to assertively guide unwanted advice when it risks being detrimental.
  5. Don’t Let Your Child Get Overtired
    Fatigue can exacerbate hyperactive behavior in children. Studies show that a significant percentage of children with ADHD struggle with sleep, which can impact their self-control. Maintaining consistent rest and bedtime routines can help counteract this. If your child shows signs of tiredness, whether from physical activity or mental stimulation, allow them the necessary rest or quiet time.
  6. Manage Aggression
    Hyperactive children may exhibit sudden, defiant outbursts, with a significant percentage being diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). This pattern can manifest in disruptive, angry behavior towards authority figures, peers, and caregivers. Seeking guidance from a parenting coach or cognitive therapist can assist in managing these behaviors. It’s important to understand that behaviors stemming from a need for autonomy may resemble ODD, but they are not the same.
  7. Use ‘Guidance Discipline’ Instead of ‘Traditional’ Discipline
    Most children, not just hyperactive ones, respond better to non-authoritarian discipline. While this approach may require more time and effort, it fosters respect and open communication. Maintaining a strategy, utilizing positive guidance, and creating a nurturing environment are key aspects of guidance discipline. Consider your child’s likely response and remember that your approach to discipline shapes their self-management skills.
  8. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
    It’s crucial to choose your battles wisely when parenting a hyperactive child. Losing your temper or shouting can exacerbate their anxiety. Instead of repeatedly nagging about tasks like brushing teeth or tidying up, offer assistance or make the activity enjoyable. Providing choices, such as “Would you prefer to tidy up now or in an hour?” can empower your child and reduce conflict. Embrace your child’s limitations while encouraging their potential, avoiding comparisons to siblings or peers.
  9. Ask for Help
    Parenting a hyperactive child can be overwhelming, and it’s okay to seek assistance. If you’re not already receiving advice from professionals, consider scheduling appointments with doctors and specialists. Finding the right support system, whether through family, friends, or a parenting community, can make a significant difference. Katherine offers valuable insights in her Amazon best-selling ebook, available at freeparentingbook.com.

Remember, parenting a hyperactive child is a journey that requires patience, understanding, and a willingness to seek help when needed. By implementing these tips and strategies, you can create a nurturing environment where your child can thrive.

Katherine Sellery