C-Suite Network™

77 Rules of the Road (for Marketing, Business and Life)

Here are 77 mindsparks to get you back to work with the right mindset and motivation:

  1. Whatever it is you’re working on – it’s NOT what you think it is
  2. And it’s BIGGER than you think it is
  3. Your job is not to work alone – lone wolves starve to death
  4. Your job is to build containers for collaboration
  5. You need three groups of people…
  6. You need your posse (partners, colleagues, team)
  7. You need your tribe (followers, fans, customers, clients)
  8. You need your dream team (advisors, coaches, mentors)
  9. And you must avoid one group at all costs…
  10. Keep away from the herd (sheep, lemmings, goofballs)
  11. “Yes” is almost never a good first answer
  12. Focus like a maniac on what matters most
  13. Turn off email – Yes, really
  14. Live out of your calendar, not your inbox
  15. Be kinder than you need to be
  16. Let go to move faster
  17. Stop letting fear make your decisions for you
  18. Learn to love the verb DECIDE…
  19. Make more decisions
  20. Make faster decisions
  21. 90% of your decisions can always be changed later
  22. The magic word to get most anything you want: ASK!
  23. Charge premium fees…
  24. Good clients will follow
  25. Bad clients will fall away
  26. Stop asking for permission…
  27. Why? Because you already have it
  28. You don’t need to see the whole staircase – just the first step
  29. Action eliminates fear
  30. Overdeliver like crazy
  31. It’s better to have a capacity problem than a sales problem
  32. Customer loyalty goes both ways
  33. The saddest referral is one that was earned but never given (See #22)
  34. If it doesn’t matter to your customer, it doesn’t matter
  35. Forget features and benefits
  36. Focus exclusively on outcomes, results, and payoffs
  37. Learn to speak prospect language about prospect problems
  38. If you want to sell fire extinguishers, first show the fire
  39. If you don’t risk turning some people off, you’ll never turn anybody on
  40. Diversify while still specializing
  41. If you can prove what you do works, you win
  42. People never argue against their own opinions, data, and feelings
  43. When selling an idea, show up with a bucket, not a microphone
  44. There is no “sales gene”… it’s a learned skill for all of us
  45. Everyone can sell once they find their own voice
  46. Marketing comes down to four words: Offer value, Invite engagement
  47. Imagine that it’s easy
  48. Good things come to those who bust their ass and never give up
  49. Your success day in and day out, year in and year out depends on two things…
  50. How fast you’re willing to learn (relearn, unlearn)
  51. How much you’re willing to grow (personally, professionally, emotionally)
  52. Every prospect qualifies – they just might not qualify for YOU
  53. If the first version of your product/service isn’t embarrassing, you waited too long to launch it
  54. Happy people are that way because they want to be
  55. Miserable people are that way because they want to be
  56. Secure your own mask before assisting others
  57. If you’re a great starter, learn to finish
  58. Are you willing to do what you have to do so you get to do what you want to do?
  59. If you ain’t got people skills, I don’t care how smart you are – you’re dead
  60. Stop acting like a numbnutz and your life will improve
  61. Different isn’t better
  62. Better is better
  63. Until you have loved a dog, part of your soul remains unawakened
  64. Get out of the office – yes you – yes now. That’s where life happens
  65. Happiness is to have family that you consider friends and friends that you consider family
  66. Everyone needs allies, advocates, brothers, sisters, and co-conspirators in mischief and merry-making
  67. Getting what you want is easy – Deciding what you want is the hard part
  68. Fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly, writers gotta write, dancers gotta dance…
  69. So what are you waiting for?
  70. Don’t hand out home-made business cards…
  71. Don’t build a free template website…
  72. Professionals use professional tools
  73. Get serious, get help, or get out
  74. If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy – remember that
  75. Once a day, do something brave
  76. Once a day, do something kind
  77. Once a day, do something smart