C-Suite Network™

High-Performing Women and the Imposter Syndrome

As someone who has personally dealt with Imposter Syndrome, I understand the importance of addressing this psychological phenomenon and delving into the reasons behind its occurrence. My studies have focused on this issue, particularly among high-achieving women, to better counter its effects. 

Imposter syndrome is a widely experienced phenomenon, and it seems to particularly affect high-achieving women who doubt their own worth. Many accomplished females often question their capabilities and accomplishments, fearing being challenged, and believing they have somehow deceived others into thinking they are competent. This persistent fear of being exposed as a fraud, despite evidence to the contrary, can be crippling.

Studies have shown that women leaders and high-performing females are more likely to experience imposter syndrome than their male counterparts. Societal expectations and gender biases that create higher standards for women in leadership positions contribute to this. The pressure to constantly prove oneself and the fear of being perceived as less capable are significant factors fueling imposter syndrome.

The impact of imposter syndrome on high-achieving women is profound, affecting both their professional and social lives. It significantly hinders success and personal growth, undermining self-confidence and creating hesitancy in taking risks or pursuing new opportunities. Ironically, in the pursuit of proving themselves, many women overextend, over-commit, and push beyond their physical, emotional, and mental capacities, ultimately leading to burnout, anxiety, and depression.

Interestingly, most over-achieving women don’t consciously align their contributions with the imposter syndrome. Yet, many end up working tirelessly, sacrificing their well-being in the process.

This begs the question: Why do we push ourselves beyond limits? Could it be that we feel inadequate or that we have something to prove? Addressing these underlying beliefs is essential in conquering the imposter syndrome.

It is crucial that we prioritize self-care and kindness towards ourselves, starting with setting appropriate boundaries. Striving for perfection often fuels burnout. Instead, we must give ourselves permission to take breaks when needed, embrace imperfections, make mistakes, and learn from them – after all, growth is a constant journey.

Leading authentically and conquering the imposter syndrome begins with embracing our true selves. It’s essential to raise your voice and be unapologetically you. You deserve the space and time to care for yourself and live the life you choose.

To achieve a healthier work-life balance, we need to change old habits and be unafraid to seek help, set boundaries, prioritize, delegate, collaborate, and seek feedback and support. These steps may take practice, but they are instrumental in our journey towards overcoming the imposter syndrome.

As we strive to make the world a better place, we must start with ourselves. Let me know how I can support you in this endeavor.


Scharrell Jackson

Your High-Performance Leadership Coach