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3 Biggest Mistakes in Personal Branding

Personal branding is about visibility. What if you had milliseconds to become the most visible and memorable person in the room, in your company, or in your field? Would you bring your Plan B to that moment, or would you do everything possible to crush it and win? Win and stand out, right? Well, let me give you the real deal. In today’s hyper-connected, 24/7 digital world people make a decision about who you are as a person, the company you represent, and your level of trustworthiness within milliseconds of meeting you. Instead of winging it, wouldn’t it be better to be strategically visible in the space you want to own?

Creating a personal brand gives you that edge to elevate your visibility so you can leave a distinct mark that is a memorable one. It helps bring a human element to the company brand. It’s noisy out there. Memorable wins. Your personal brand acts as a magnet for engagement. It’s time you stop leaving opportunity on the table and go all in with your image and personal brand.

Revenue is a By-Product of Image

As business executives you must be mindful of your ROI. I’m not talking return on investment. I mean what’s your Return on Image®? If you haven’t thought about how you are coming across within the first milliseconds of meeting someone for the first time, don’t worry. They’ve already done it for you. Gaining a return on image puts measurable value on the impact one’s image has personally and professionally, creating real value and elevating you to exceed your goals. Revenue is a by-product of image.

How do you want people to experience you? What words or phrases do you want to own in the minds of others when they think of you or talk about you? I believe we are all the Chief Experience Officer of our personal brands. Here are the 3 biggest mistakes I see people making in their personal brands:

1. Not Being Intentional.

Being intentional with your personal brand establishes a mindset of deliberateness. It creates the framework to begin building out your personal brand. When well thought out, it becomes more of a strategy than left to chance. Without an intentional plan, you run the risk of others defining you in a way that is likely not accurate. Being intentional gives you control and puts you in the driver’s seat of how people will experience you. Being intentional will help you be consistent.

2. Not Being Consistent. 

Inconsistency with your personal brand breeds distrust. As a result, being consistent eliminates confusion and sets an expectation that is reinforced with each interaction. Being consistent shows your deliberate focus in delivering the experience of you in a way others will come to expect from only you. This creates trust and sends the message you are dependable. When you are consistent, you become more recognizable. When others are faced with a choice between you or someone else, the ability to remember you will be an advantage.

3. Not Being Yourself. 

Not being yourself creates confusion internally which shows externally. Being inauthentic runs the risk of you not performing at your optimum level. It can be a risk to be yourself, but it is even riskier to be something you are not.

In the end, personal branding is not all about you. It is about the value you bring to others. No one else has your strengths, values, aspirations, views, demeanor, compassion, personality, voice, or appearance. I love the phrase the Thud Factor. It means something has weight, substance. It’s time you make a thud when you show up whether that is online or in person. It’s time you have them at hello.

I help executives create a powerful image and brand so they look and feel confident wherever they are. Contact me at sheila@imagepowerplay.com to schedule a 20-minute call to discuss how we can work together to grow your visibility through my return on image® services.

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