C-Suite Network™

Breathe Better, Parent Better: Strategies for a Calmer Family

Do you remember your child as a baby? When they accidentally hit their head on the crib or were startled awake by a loud noise? Those seconds felt endless as you waited for that first gulp of air—often followed by a piercing cry.

Breathing is the most hardwired, involuntary function we perform as human beings. Every creature, great or small, breathes. It sustains life, and we don’t even have to think about it—breathing happens as reflexively as our heartbeats.

Yet, despite its importance, we often take breathing for granted.

Recent studies from the Harvard Business Review and Yale News highlight the benefits of SKY Breath Meditation. This breathing technique engages the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps regulate rational thinking, promotes calmness, and maintains balance during stressful situations. Participants in these studies reported significant improvements in mental health and well-being after practicing the techniques for just two days.

As someone trained in SKY Breath Meditation for 10 years, I can attest that breathing does far more than just supply oxygen to your body. The way we breathe directly influences how we feel and navigate the world. Breathing well makes your quality of life better, especially when faced with everyday challenges.

If you’ve been feeling stressed, depressed, or overwhelmed—whether by current events, holiday preparations, or your child’s endless love for “Baby Shark”—you’re not alone.


Here are some tips to help you literally catch your breath (and share them with your child too!):

  • DEEPER INHALES AND LONGER EXHALES: When your child cries, their breaths often turn into hiccups. Adults, too, begin breathing rapidly when stressed. In these moments, consciously focus on taking deep breaths, counting to four for inhales and eight for exhales (or as close as possible). This practice can help clear your mind in seconds. Best Breathing Exercises for parents include incorporating these deeper inhales and longer exhales into your routine.
  • QUICK, LIGHT STRETCHING: Feeling the pressure of deadlines or a growing to-do list? Take five minutes for a quick stretch. Full-body activities, like a yoga sun salutation, get oxygen flowing and help relieve stress.
  • CARVE OUT TIME FOR MEDITATION: Even ten minutes of focused breathing or meditation can have positive effects. If ten minutes feels too long, take just two. Find a quiet space, sit comfortably, and focus on deep breathing. Explore our partnership with America Meditates by the Art of Living for more guidance on the power of meditating on the breath for parents.

Mastering your breath can help you release stress and fill yourself with positive energy. You’ll not only feel more in control of your emotions, but you’ll also model the importance of self-care for your children.

Supportive breathing is just one technique that can guide you toward becoming the parent you aspire to be. If you’re seeking a true parenting transformation, explore the 90 Day Parenting Reset Program for more resources.

Love and Blessings,

Katherine Sellery