[PUBLIC] C-Suite Network Women’s Coaching & Consulting Council Presents: The 2nd Annual Women’s Success Summit™ – Celebrating International Women’s Day and Week
- Mar 10 2023
- Expired!
- 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

C-Suite Network Women’s Coaching & Consulting Council Presents: The 2nd Annual Women’s Success Summit™ – Celebrating International Women’s Day and Week.
OWN IT: Your Power, Presence, Profits And Success As A Global Thought Leader™.
March 7-10, 2023 at 1PM ET
Register at: https://tinyurl.com/C-SuiteWCCCMarch72023
The 2nd Annual “Women’s Success Summit” presented by C-Suite Network Women’s Coaching & Consulting Council is returning, and this year we’re celebrating International Women’s Day and Week with a focus on empowering women to OWN IT: Own Your Power, Presence, Profits, and Success As A Global Thought Leader™.
This four-session Women’s Success Summit features the esteemed faculty members of C-Suite Network Women’s Coaching & Consulting Council. These powerful women will inspire and prepare you as a woman coach, consultant, trusted advisor, and thought leader to cultivate your power, establish yourself as a globally recognized thought leader and create a strong personal brand that enhances your profitability, presence and authority.
Through a combination of interactive sessions, expert insights, and actionable strategies, you will gain the tools and confidence you need to take your thought leadership business to the next level.
In our OWN IT: Women’s Success Summit, you will learn:
– How to cultivate your power as a woman coach, consultant, trusted advisor and thought leader
– Action steps to establish yourself as a globally recognized thought leader operating with influence and impact
– Strategies to create a strong personal brand to enhance your presence and authority
– Key mindset shifts to break through the “Profit Ceiling” and maximize your income
– What’s working now to be seen, heard and richly rewarded™ in a crowded and noisy world, filled with “competitors”
– Inner Secrets to profitably share your unique perspectives and gifts with the world while making a bigger difference
– Actionable steps to tell your powerful and engaging success story with authenticity while engaging a global community of fans and clients.
Throughout the workshop, you will have the opportunity to truly connect and build relationships with other like-minded women, share your insights and experiences, and receive feedback and support from our expert esteemed faculty coaches and consultants.
By the end of the four session Women’s Success Summit, you will have a clear vision of your next level success, the skills and tools to achieve it, and the confidence and community to make it happen. You will OWN IT!
Register and receive the replays at: https://tinyurl.com/C-SuiteWCCCMarch72023
Questions? Contact Kathleen Caldwell, founder, C-Suite Network’s Women’s Coaching & Consulting Council through a DM on LinkedIn at: https:/tinyurl.com/KathleenCaldwellLinkedIn or at: https://tinyurl.com/C-SuiteNetworkWCCCLinkedIn
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