[PUBLIC] C-Suite Network™ Women’s Coaching & Consulting Council Presents: “Corporate Coaching Success Challenge™: How To Get In And Succeed In Coaching Corporations And Organizations”
- May 10 2024
- Expired!
- 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Now more than ever, it is imperative for you as a coach, consultant, trusted advisor and visionary thought leader to diversify your income and extend your powerful impact. YES, you can make a positive difference with people who are ready, willing and able to be your clients. Your time is NOW to get into the corporate coaching success game™!
In the complimentary, 3 session “Corporate Coaching Success Challenge™: How To Get In And Succeed In Coaching Corporations And Organizations” InterActive Livestream, you will learn how to find excellent corporate clients, confidently talk about what you’re offering, position yourself as an expert, and how to get hired and paid.
Register and receive the replays at: https://tinyurl.com/C-SuiteWCCCMay82024
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