C-Suite Network™

[PUBLIC] C-Suite Network™ Women’s Coaching & Consulting Council Presents: “Bridge the Divide: Coaching for Civility and Connection in Turbulent Times”

Nov 07 2024
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Register and receive the replays at: https://tinyurl.com/C-SuiteWCCCNovember72024

Civility is not only crucial in the workplace but also in society at large. In a world divided by differing opinions and perspectives, promoting respectful communication and empathy is more important than ever. Civility lays the foundation for a thriving, productive environment where connections and bridges are built to last. For organizations and communities to succeed, leaders, teams, and individuals must commit to fostering civil interactions that unite rather than divide.

As women coaches and consultants, you have the unique opportunity to guide organizations, leaders and communities toward creating cultures of civility, where respectful interactions thrive and collaboration flourishes. But your impact doesn’t stop there. By promoting civility, you contribute to a more connected society, encouraging empathy, understanding, and positive relationships in the workplace and beyond.

Join us for this transformational C-Suite Network Women’s Coaching & Consulting Council InterActive gathering, where we’ll explore how to support organizations and society in increasing civility—one conversation at a time. You’ll discover actionable coaching and consulting strategies to help your clients build more respectful, empathetic, and connected environments.

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