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Body Language Culture Health and Wellness

Is Your Tank Running On Empty?

Taking care of your kids starts with taking care of yourself.

Are you overextending yourself to meet your family’s needs? Do you feel trapped in an exhausting juggling act with no end in sight? It’s time to take a step back and practice some self-care.

Parents, we live in extremely stressful times. But prioritizing everyone else’s needs at the expense of our own isn’t the answer. When we fall into this trap, our own health and wellness suffers, preventing us from becoming the parents we want to be.

I know you’re committed to being 100% present for your children—and that means first allowing yourself the bandwidth to fulfill your own needs.

We’re all familiar with the oxygen mask analogy: you have to put your own mask on first. It sounds easy in theory, but in practice, it’s not always easy to prioritize yourself. Know that when you practice self-care, you ARE becoming a better parent for your children.

And taking care of yourself doesn’t have to be overly lavish or take tons of time. It can be doing something simple:

  • Going for a quick walk
  • Calling a friend
  • Spending quality time with your partner (without the kids!)

If there’s one thing you should remember, it’s that taking care of others starts with taking care of yourself. Fill your own tank and your whole family will reap the benefits.

Body Language Leadership Personal Development

How Zoom Fatigue Impacts Your Influence

Have you ever thought to yourself during a Zoom meeting, “this could have been an email?”

For quite some time, professionals have sat in front of their computer screen, attending countless virtual meetings that waste their time, tax their brains and drain their energy.

Some call this “Zoom fatigue” but I don’t think Zoom is the culprit. It’s the non-stop barrage of ineffective meetings that lead to the fatigue we all feel.

I’m sure you can think of one- OR two meeting facilitators who routinely shows up ill-prepared as they ramble on and fail to get to the point.

It doesn’t take long before their influence is impacted to the point where everyone on that call dreads going to meetings they lead.

Have you ever stopped to consider how people feel attending your meetings?

Five recommendations you can immediately apply to guarantee you lead interactive meetings that make an impact, engage your listeners and influence action.

1. Take Five to Prepare

Avoid trying to wing a meeting. Instead, take five minutes to jot down your talking points prior to the meeting.  It’s ok to have your notes down in front of you and to refer to them when you need them. As long as you pause when you look down and avoid talking to your notes. Your notes will prevent you from rambling and make sure you deliver a message that meets your listeners’ needs.

2. Turn On Your Camera – when you can – especially when you’re talking

Here’s the deal…No one attends a boardroom meeting while standing in the hall, yet we think it’s okay to attend a virtual meeting with the camera off from start to finish. The only way to truly connect with your listeners is when you can see them. Next time you facilitate a call, ask everyone to turn on their cameras at least in the beginning and when they’re speaking.

3.  Take a Step Back

You wouldn’t sit so low at a conference room table that your listeners only saw this much of you (gesture to show what I’m referring to).  For your message to make an impact, listeners need to see your gestures. Position yourself so that your upper body is visible to everyone.  When your listeners can see your gestures, your message has more impact which increases the amount of information they hear and understand.

4.  Engage with Names

Zoom meetings are a chance to collaborate and engage with your listeners.  When you host a meeting, stop from time to time to call on attendees by name. Ask for feedback and offer them an opportunity to ask questions.  When listeners know you expect them to participate, they’ll remain focused on your message. If they don’t hear what you say, you don’t have a chance to influence action.

5.  Record the Meeting

Most online platforms can record your meetings. You’ve heard me talk about this one before…you always have the option to record yourself on your phones.  Recordings give you the opportunity to see and hear yourself through the eyes and ears of your listeners. Take note of what you see and hear and what you’re willing to change.

What are you waiting for? Start today with these five techniques to guarantee the meetings you lead are interactive, engaging and valuable to everyone who took the time to attend.

Body Language Entrepreneurship Management Negotiations Sales Skills Women In Business

“Body Language 3 Secret Myths To Increase Your Influence” – Negotiation Tip of the Week


There are three body language myths, once dispelled, that will increase your level of influence


and give you greater control over other people. Discover what they are in this week’s …


Negotiation Tip of the Week


“Body language can be the dispeller of myths that increases your influence.”  -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert (Click to Tweet)

body language, Influence, Negotiate better, Negotiation Tips, Negotiator, Negotiating, Negotiation strategies, negotiation skills training, reading body language, Greg Williams The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert, Negotiate, Negotiation, The Master Negotiator, Greg Williams The Master Negotiator, Greg Williams, Harvard Business Review, Body Language Expert, Body Language Secrets, Negotiating With A Bully,


Click here to get the book!

“Body Language 3 Secret Myths To Increase Your Influence” 

People don’t realize they’re always negotiating.

How do you determine your degree of influence based on the body language gestures you detect when talking with someone? And what body language signs in particular of theirs do you observe to make your assessment?

How about your body language? Do you observe your emotional state and the signals you emit when interacting with others? Your emotional state influences your gestures, which in turn affect your emotions. And that shapes the degrees of power you have with others. What follows are three body language myths you can use to reshape your paradigm.


Click here to learn how to increase your influence with other people.


Remember, you’re always negotiating!  


Check out this offer to learn more about negotiating better and reading body language!


Listen to Greg’s podcasts at https://megaphone.link/CSN6318246585  Once there, double click on the one you would like to hear.


After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com





Body Language Entrepreneurship Human Resources Management Negotiations Sales Skills Women In Business

“Situational Awareness How To Help Increase Your Body Language Skills” – Negotiation Tip of the Week

“When situational awareness is lax, the journey’s end may not be the destination sought.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert (Click to Tweet)    Click here to get the book!



“Situational Awareness How To Help Increase Your Body Language Skills”



People don’t realize they’re always negotiating.

Do you know the benefits of situational awareness related to body language? When reading body language, the greater your situational awareness as to what may have caused a displayed gesture, the greater will become your ability to read body language accurately. And the same is true about your self-situational awareness per the gestures you emit.

Once you become tuned to them, your awareness and recognition of the following four color-coded situational awareness stages will benefit you. Accordingly, having a sense of situational awareness will enhance your negotiation and reading body language skills as you interact with others. Thus, it is for that reason I tie situational awareness to reading body language.


Click here to continue and discover more!


Remember, you’re always negotiating!  

Check out this offer to learn more about negotiating better and reading body language!


Listen to Greg’s podcasts at https://megaphone.link/CSN6318246585  Once there, double click on the one you would like to hear.


After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com


To receive weekly free 5-minute sneak peeks into the brilliant techniques offered by Greg, click here

https://www.themasternegotiator.com/negotiation-speaker/   and sign up at the bottom of the page






Best Practices Body Language Culture Health and Wellness Human Resources Management Skills Women In Business

Important and Urgent

Right before the pandemic hit, I was speaking to a highly-regarded CEO about how I help business leaders up-level their game as it pertains to stress management. She was intrigued, but ultimately said, “You know, what you do is important, but not urgent (referring to the Eisenhower Matrix, a simple decision-making tool that helps you prioritize tasks).”

Almost two years to the day, managing stress and the consequences of not managing it well, have finally captured our attention. Mental health, wellness, work-life balance, burnout, depression, anxiety, and sadly suicide have become all too common in our everyday lives. Here in the US, we’ve plummeted down the world rankings for happiness.

But what does that mean for employers in the coming year? If you haven’t heard the term “The Great Resignation,” it’s important you do.

According to the Harvard Business Review, more than 9 million global employees quit their jobs in July 2021. And of them, the largest share went to the 30-to-45-year-old bracket. Unsurprising as this average age of new managers, carrying a large amount of stress and usually the least equipped to deal with it.

There are many complicating reasons for this exodus, but according to the study: “many of these workers may have simply reached a breaking point after months and months of high workloads, hiring freezes, and other pressures, causing them to rethink their work and life goals(https://hbr.org/2021/09/who-is-driving-the-great-resignation).”

In my 38 years as a mental health professional, my most engaged clients have been those between the ages of 30 and 45. They’ve lived past their 20’s when they thought they knew everything. And haven’t yet reached their 50’s where again, they will think they know everything.

It’s a time of growth when the existential meaning of life is most compelling. This generation, in particular, is hungry to learn, purpose-driven, and doesn’t want to wait until retirement to start enjoying what the world has to offer.

Given that we are living in unprecedented times, we must all pay attention to the underlying forces at play and the real costs of ignoring them. These issues are complicated and not easy to solve. Yet, if we don’t address them, our continued spiral towards an unhappy society will rage on.

To be very specific, when stress hormones flood the body and the brain, a person’s executive functioning goes “offline.” The desire may be there, but the capacity is not. Much has been said and written about focusing on the “whole person.” But what does that look like from an employer’s perspective?

1. Good mental health is not intuitive – it’s learned. Stress relief apps, office yoga, massage gift cards, etc. They are helpful, but not sufficient in building the kind of internal resiliency needed to cope with our current stressors. Picture bringing a plastic fork to a gunfight. Management teams need real skills and proven methods for managing staff happiness.

2. Peak Performance is predictable and repeatable. Again, one needs to understand how both the body and mind work to achieve these highly productive states. To achieve a sustainable workflow while operating in high-stress environments, one needs to be properly equipped.

3. Mind, Body, Spirit, and Emotion. These four pillars comprise a whole system and thus, a whole person. Pay attention to them and your team will notice. I can’t guarantee these methods will make you their favorite boss, but I can guarantee that you will be setting them up for success both inside your organization and for life.

The last few years have provided us with great challenges and even greater opportunities. It would be a shame to let this time of introspection pass by without making genuine change for the better. When the calendar rolls around to 2022, do you want to find yourself repeating negative thought patterns? Neither does your team.

Body Language Entrepreneurship Human Resources Negotiations Sales Skills Women In Business

“6 Secret Negotiation Tips To Help You Get Better Outcomes” – Negotiation Insight


“To reach better outcomes, you must unlock the doors that conceal them.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert (Click to Tweet)     Click here to get the book!


“6 Secret Negotiation Tips To Help You Get Better Outcomes”


People don’t realize they’re always negotiating.

When people negotiate, they want the best outcome. But some people are unaware of how to achieve that quest. They lack knowledge about secret negotiation tips, negotiation tips that profoundly impact the talks. After incorporating the following six negotiation tips into your negotiation repertoire, you will reach better outcomes.

Click here to discover how to get more from every negotiation you’re in!

Remember, you’re always negotiating!


Listen to Greg’s podcasts at https://megaphone.link/CSN6318246585  Once there, double click on the one you would like to hear.


After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com


To receive weekly free 5-minute sneak peeks into the brilliant techniques offered by Greg, click here

https://www.themasternegotiator.com/negotiation-speaker/   and sign up at the bottom of the page




Body Language Management Skills

Six Ways To Channel Nervous Energy Into An Influential Message

The day has arrived, and you are moments away from stepping in front of an audience to give your big presentation. Your heart is racing, and your palms are sweating. You’re a nervous wreck. You’ve done everything necessary to prepare: created a strong outline of speaking points, carefully curated bullet points for motivating slides, and practiced until the data was a part of you. You simply can’t understand why you feel so nervous, so you immediately begin to question your ability to deliver your message.

Don’t worry! If you’re nervous, it means you’ve got a pulse. You’re human. Nervous energy is natural, especially when you’re put into a situation that doesn’t occur often enough to make it feel like second nature. If you weren’t nervous, I would question whether you were truly committed to doing a good job.

Here are six ways to channel that nervous energy into an influential message. By doing so, you can motivate your listeners to act upon what you have to say.

Everyone wants to see you succeed

Your listeners are rooting for you. They’ve taken time from their busy schedules to attend your meeting. They don’t have to be there; they want to be there. They want to hear what you have to say. It’s up to you to make it worth their time. No one in the audience is hoping that you’ll trip, stumble, stutter or forget a point. You’re on the same team, and they want to see you succeed. Your success equals their success. Get out of your own head and realize the presentation is about them, not you. You are simply the messenger sharing data points that benefit your audience and meet their needs. When you stop worrying about yourself, you can redirect your inward thinking and prioritize what’s most important: your listeners.

Get comfortable being uncomfortable

If you’ve ever learned how to play a sport or musical instrument, you know the fear that comes with uncertainty. Coaches and teachers give us skills to practice, which stretch our abilities. At first, it feels awkward and unnatural. As the coaching continues, your skills are fine-tuned, helping you develop and improve. Each coach-recommended modification requires us to carefully concentrate and think through even the slightest motions. It is frustrating and often invokes defense mechanisms. The same holds true with our communication skills. When we aren’t used to routinely stepping on stage or delivering high-stakes presentations, it feels unnatural. We question if we are doing it right. In this moment, we must commit to embracing the discomfort and realize it is part of the development process needed for improvement.

Your discomfort is not noticeable

When stepping on stage, your audience can’t tell how you feel. Nervous energy may course uncontrollably through your body. Maybe your palms are sweaty, or you are slightly shaking. Maybe you feel your face turning red or that you might throw up. Fortunately, your audience does not see how you feel. Think back through the last few people you witnessed giving presentations. They likely felt the same nerves you’re experiencing now. It’s unlikely that you saw their nervous energy. The same holds true with you. What you feel is not what your audience experiences.


No matter how much you’ve practiced or rehearsed, butterflies are normal. You can control that nervous energy by learning to control your breathing. Controlled breathing will help you pace your rate of speech, calm your jitters and focus on what you have to say rather than on the adrenaline rush you’re experiencing. Breathing requires practice. While rehearsing your presentation before the big day, concentrate on your breathing. Identify areas in-between topic transitions or big data points that you want to resonate. Pause to breathe deeply and allow the point you just made to resonate with your listeners. When you practice this behavior, it becomes a natural part of your presentation.

It’s like a daily conversation

It’s unlikely you would be quite this nervous if you were presenting your points to just one or two people. Your tone, energy, and speaking rhythm would be comfortable and conversational. There is no rule that says you can’t treat an audience of 100 the same as you would an audience of one. Think of it as less of a presentation and more of a conversation. Invite your audience to be a part of the discussion. They will feel less like they are being spoken to and more like a part of the discussion. When you realize the presentation is the same no matter the audience size, you become more natural and authentic.

Treat every day like game day

Instead of focusing your efforts on one specific presentation or event, start treating every conversation as if it were a high-stakes moment. Practice your communication skills in every interaction so they become second nature. The more you practice in day-to-day conversations, the easier it becomes. If you wait to practice until right before the big day, it’s already too late.

Nervous energy can work in your favor when you recognize its power to elevate your message. We all get nervous. The goal is to channel that energy to influence your audience to act upon your recommendations. Embrace it. Recognize that it is human nature, and let it work for you.

Body Language Entrepreneurship Human Resources Management Marketing Negotiations Sales Skills Women In Business

“Uncover Hidden Information 3 Safe Ways To Win In Negotiations” – Negotiation Tip of the Week

We can forgive those that conceal information. But we should not forgive ourselves for lacking the skills to uncover it. -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert (Click to Tweet)   

Click here to get the book!


“Uncover Hidden Information  – 3 Safe Ways To Win In Negotiations”

People don’t realize they’re always negotiating!

During negotiations, information is king. Meaning, the more information you have, the more significant the options you can select to progress the negotiation. So, negotiators should always ask themselves, how can I uncover hidden information that might benefit my negotiation efforts?

Knowing how to extract concealed information gives you a distinct advantage during negotiations. And that is why you should add this skill to your negotiation repertoire. What follows are three ways you can uncover hidden information, along with how and when to use it.

Click here to discover three ways you can uncover hidden information!

Remember, you’re always negotiating!


Listen to Greg’s podcasts at https://megaphone.link/CSN6318246585  Once there, double click on the one you would like to hear.


After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com


To receive weekly free 5-minute sneak peeks into the brilliant techniques offered by Greg, click here

https://www.themasternegotiator.com/negotiation-speaker/   and sign up at the bottom of the page





Body Language Entrepreneurship Human Resources Management Marketing Negotiations Sales Skills Women In Business

“Micro Macro Expressions Deception Detection – How To Win More Negotiations” – Negotiation Insights


“Being mindful of deception detection can help one stay safer in life. Accurately detecting deception can be a lifesaver.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert (Click to Tweet)    

Click here to get the book!


“Micro Macro Expressions Deception Detection – How To Win More Negotiations”


People don’t realize they’re always negotiating.

What value do you place in your negotiations on recognizing facial expressions that lift the veil that hides hidden thoughts – some of which might help in deception detection? Do you know how to accurately read the feelings and opinions that lurk in the recesses of someone’s mind based on the micro-expressions and macro expressions they display?

By reading the other negotiator’s micro-expressions and macro expressions, you gain a more precise interpretation of their thoughts, along with the pending actions in which they may engage. And that awareness can help assist you in achieving more winning negotiation outcomes.

Continue to gain insight into how you can use micro-expressions and macro expressions to gain an advantage in your negotiations. You will also gain an understanding of how the two differ and the meaning of that difference.

Click here now!

Remember, you’re always negotiating!


Listen to Greg’s podcasts at https://megaphone.link/CSN6318246585  Once there, double click on the one you would like to hear.


After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com


To receive weekly free 5-minute sneak peeks into the brilliant techniques offered by Greg, click here

https://www.themasternegotiator.com/negotiation-speaker/   and sign up at the bottom of the page







Body Language Entrepreneurship Marketing Negotiations Operations Sales Skills Women In Business

“Body Language – How To Avoid Conflict And Win More Negotiations” – Negotiation Insight


To avoid some conflicts, observe body language signals that foretell their arrival.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert (Click to Tweet)



Click here to get the book!


“Body Language – How To Avoid Conflict And Win More Negotiations”

People don’t realize they’re always negotiating.

How many opportunities do you miss by missing body language signals during negotiations? And what do you think missing those signals cost? Even more, how many of those missed signs do you believe lead to conflict?

There are leading signs that indicate pending conflict during negotiations. Some stem from prior relationships, and some occur due to their value perspective. When you negotiate, keep those thoughts in mind. You will gain insight via the body language gestures a negotiator emits based on those factors.

So, what are a few body language signals that can lead to conflict in a negotiation? What follows is the answer to that question. And the ways you can increase your negotiation outcomes by reading body language more accurately to avoid conflict that stems from missed body language signs. Being observant of nonverbal signals gives you greater control of the negotiation development, flow, and conclusion.

Click here to discover more!

Remember, you’re always negotiating!


Listen to Greg’s podcasts at https://megaphone.link/CSN6318246585  Once there, double click on the one you would like to hear.


After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com


To receive weekly free 5-minute sneak peeks into the brilliant techniques offered by Greg, click here

https://www.themasternegotiator.com/negotiation-speaker/   and sign up at the bottom of the page




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