C-Suite Network™

Peter Loge

Soccer is 90 minutes of systems thinking in action. Soccer Thinking for Management Success is by a soccer fan and player who has spent a career building and running teams and organizations. He draws on insights from leaders, known and not-so-well-known who use soccer thinking to succeed. This is not just another book on how to be a great leader by a famous person. This is a management and leadership book by, and for, the rest of us.

The modern world is networked and always working. Organizations no longer have the luxury of time. Expertise is no longer confined to a couple of smart guys in corner offices, reviewing information to which only they have access and issuing instructions through layers of middle-men to nine-to-fivers who carry out the dictates and feed paper back up the chain, awaiting the next set of instructions. Today’s successful organization is decentralized and never stops moving. In fact, organizational success is a lot like soccer. Every player is both a specialist and generalist. Responsibility on the field is distributed, and everyone on the team works for everyone else. Communication among players is constant

Chris Roebuck

Across the world millions of people aren’t inspired at work or given the opportunity to give their best and fulfill their potential because they have ineffective leaders. Many leaders aspire to be the best they can be but have never been given the tools to achieve that. Having an ineffective leader impacts on everyone, on their families, on their organization and the wider society through a waste of the potential to achieve more.

A few simple actions by these leaders would transform the working lives of those they lead for the better, enhance their team’s family lives, help their organizations succeed and deliver economic growth for their community. This book sets out on a mission to help leaders who wish to enable that transformation become reality and join the best of the global leadership community.

Lead to Succeed builds on Chris Roebuck’s first highly successful book – Effective Leadership – that was translated into 11 languages and used by the American Management Association as a “best practice” guide.

Stephen Sapato

Become The Go-To Person For Your Own Success by Stephen Sapato teaches small business owners and entrepreneurs how to realize tremendous growth by using 21st Century Professional Business Networking methods. It starts at the basics of how to be a professional and leads you to what you can expect from your results as you grow yourself into the professional networking entrepreneur you desire to be. This book poses the questions that most networking leaves unanswered and then he puts the answers to those questions so you can find the success you have been working toward but until now, unable to achieve.

Mildred Talabi

Successful job hunting isn’t about luck, chance, or hope… Successful job hunting is a SCIENCE!

In her ground-breaking book, The Science of Successful Job Hunting, Mildred Talabi draws on many years of careers experience and some of her best blog posts to bring you 35 chapters and over 180 pages of practical, easy-to-read content you can use in your job hunting.

You will discover:

  • 51 quick and easy ways to improve your CV and double your chances of hearing back from the employer;
  • How to make recruitment agencies your allies to accelerate your job hunt and boost your employment prospects;
  • How to confidently handle the 10 most common interview questions that most jobseekers fear;
  • 3 killer reasons to include Twitter and other social media platforms in your job hunt;


…and much, much more!

The Science of Successful Job Hunting is your bullet-proof blueprint for job hunting success.