C-Suite Network™

Lisa Levy

For companies who’ve embraced new opportunities only to lose money through inefficiency, mismanagement and misinformed decision-making, Lisa Levy knows there is a better way. Lcubed Consulting is her invention and Future Proofing Cubed: The Definitive Guide to Improving Productivity, Refining Processes, and Bolstering Profitability is the companion. Providing everything you need to know about why processes work and don’t and when they are most needed, Levy has written in a clear, concise voice about the intricacies of effective project management and how to systematize successfully while interweaving personal stories of climbing the ladder leaning against the wrong building, trusting too much and finally finding her voice and calling. Chock full of case studies from elite executives sharing the moments when the wheels fell off the process wagon, Future Proofing Cubed is the go-to resource when upscaling or downscaling, onboarding monster projects and expanding offerings. Her billion-dollar system of rapid adaptive transformation allows the giants of the planet to thrive and those at the helm to prosper through solid organizational change management.

Levy turns organizations inside out to examine the silos and ivory towers that shunt communication, the stagnant methodologies with the byproduct of preventing future-proofing, and the misalignment of operational efficiency and effectiveness. If you’re a business owner or executive, keep Future Proofing Cubed on tap to help ease the rough waters of industry and ensure your business’ longevity and profitability.

Neen James

Drive profitability, productivity, and accountability
To create extraordinary lives, we must learn to “unplug” from the constant barrage of disruptions and “plug in” to the tools, strategies, and mindsets that allow us to harness our attention to reach our highest potential—and this book shows you how.
Attention Pays spotlights on the power of attention and absolute focus. Personally: WHO we pay attention to. Professionally: WHAT we pay attention to. And Globally: HOW we pay attention in the world—and to the world. In an on-demand, 24/7 society, where distractions cost millions of people productivity, profitability, relationships and peace, it’s time to pay attention to what matters most.
  • Includes powerful tips and tricks increase profitability
  • Shows you how to achieve maximum accountability and results
  • Provides strategies to help you productively manage daily tasks
  • Offers guidance on improving your daily attention and focus
If you’re ready to drive profitably, increase productivity and boost accountability, it’s time to tune out the noise, focus on what really matters and learn how Attention Pays.

David L. Brown

From the Bottom Up: The Ultimate Guide for Business Planning to Profitability is a step-by-step guide for writing a business plan in a no-nonsense format Sharing his 25+ years’ experience owning and operating a business he saves entrepreneurs time and money.

What you are actually holding in your hands is more than a book, but a powerful tool, that if you choose to take advantage of the wisdom in its pages will bring you more success than you could imagine. Why? Because Dave has removed the mystery of business planning at a time when we need it most. He has taken complex information and brought it down to earth for the regular guy. It is a guidebook. A Business Bible for a new wave of business owner. And isn’t that what you want in a business advisor? Available and unpretentious, down-to-earth and no-nonsense? So start your quest in creating a business that you are proud of. And I beg you, use this book wisely. Take advantage of the man who has given you his time and expertise and connect with Mr. Dave Brown.”

Brad Szollose – Award-winning and International best-selling author of Liquid Leadership: From Woodstock to Wikipedia—Multigenerational Management Ideas That Are Changing The Way We Run Things.