C-Suite Network™

Molly McGowan

You are probably closer to understanding personal branding than you realize. A lot closer. In fact, chances are that with the right strategies and shortcuts, you could enjoy positioning yourself as the go-to-expert overnight.

However, before you can enjoy those benefits, you are going to have to do a little work. It should take you less than 4 hours. That’s approximately how long it will take you to uncover the key secrets to augmenting your personal strengths and appearance to benefit your professional positioning.

Listen, in today’s pluralistic “anything goes” society it is hard to find that “golden middle” which allows you to express yourself and be recognized and respected in your field. But that’s not a problem because Molly McGowan has uncovered the keys over the past years and distilled them in this must have personal branding guide.

Secure a copy of this book today and once you get it, crack open the cover and discover how to pull the best out of yourself and receive the respect in the work field you deserve!


Allen Klein

You Can’t Ruin My Day contains 52 themes to help readers take back their power and not let other people or other situations ruin their day.

Each of these themes has three sections: Wake-Up Call (the potential day-ruiner); Follow-Up Exercise (practical steps to turn it around); and Lighten-Up Laugh (gaining a fresh perspective and moving right along).

Each of the 52 stories and wake-up calls in the book are amazing and inspiring. One couple lost almost all of their money to Bernie Madoff and his Ponzi scheme; instead of bitterness, they chose to learn from their mistake and move on. From getting a parking ticket to family squabbles to life-changers such as the loss of a job, Klein offers wisdom, good humor, and coping skills that improve the quality of life.

Ryan T. Sauers

Would You Buy from You? Many people cannot answer this question or struggle with it only to find that their best response is a “maybe” or “uhhh I guess” or the noncommittal “it depends.” Huh? If You Would Not Buy from You, why would anyone else buy from you? The answer is simple. They will not and would not. This book helps us think in deep ways (EX: understanding your own and another’s worldview or WHY) yet can be read in a few hours. The book blends traditional and modern communication principles and explains how to achieve sales success in a noisy and short attention span world. Our world is constantly connected and overloaded with more information that can be consumed. We are stimulated by multimedia every waking minute. So, what do we do? We buy from people who are like us and who we understand. And from people who can clearly articulate their message in an authentic way with passion. We purchase from those who are creative and we deem as providing real value. We buy from people we TRUST. Our brand (indeed) makes the difference between (success or failure) in our sales and marketing efforts in 2015 and beyond. This book is broken into three main sections (that build on each other) and can be remembered with the acronym “CUB”. C is for Constantly Connected (modern world we live in); U is for an Under the Iceberg Mindset (below the surface level thinking); and B is for your Brand (our DNA that makes us unique). Only YOU can be YOU and this book shows you how to use this to your advantage and consistently add value in all that you sell and market. Thus, you will learn the difference in selling on “price” and selling value. Price is price. Value= Price +Goods/Services + YOU. After reading this book, the question changes to: “Why Would You Not Buy from You?”

Ruth Ross

Coming Alive: The Journey To Reengage Your Life And Career by Ruth Ross is the prescription for anyone who has ever personally felt the pain of knowing they weren’t fully engaged at work or at home (or both), has an important person in his or her life experiencing this or perhaps manages a team that is struggling with disengagement. If so, then this book will act as your roadmap to implement the necessary steps to walk toward something better by being thoughtful, strategic and intentional. At work or at home, disengagement is a pervasive quandary that requires a commitment to turning things around. Coming Alive will take you on a journey to understand the power of passion and commitment, pinpoint the underlying causes, recognize the symptoms and most importantly, learn an easy-to-use treatment plan for reengagement.

Stephen Sapato

Become The Go-To Person For Your Own Success by Stephen Sapato teaches small business owners and entrepreneurs how to realize tremendous growth by using 21st Century Professional Business Networking methods. It starts at the basics of how to be a professional and leads you to what you can expect from your results as you grow yourself into the professional networking entrepreneur you desire to be. This book poses the questions that most networking leaves unanswered and then he puts the answers to those questions so you can find the success you have been working toward but until now, unable to achieve.

Dorie Clark

A step-by-step guide to reinventing you

Are you where you want to be professionally?

Whether you want to advance faster at your present company, change jobs, or make the jump to a new field entirely, the goal is clear: to build a career that thrives on your unique passions and talents. But to achieve this in today’s competitive job market, it’s almost certain that at some point you’ll need to reinvent yourself professionally. Consider this book your road map for the next phase of your career journey.

In Reinventing You, branding expert Dorie Clark provides a step-by-step guide to help you assess your unique strengths, develop a compelling personal brand, and ensure that others recognize the powerful contribution you can make.

Mixing personal stories with engaging interviews and examples from well-known personalities—Mark Zuckerberg, Al Gore, Tim Ferriss, Seth Godin, and others—Reinventing You shows how to think big about your professional goals, take control of your career, build a reputation that opens doors for you, and finally live the life you want.