C-Suite Network™

James P. Ware, PhD

Are you frustrated by unfocused, boring meetings? Is your organization stuck in an unproductive meeting trap? Do you and your staff waste precious hours at work sitting in meetings that don’t matter?

It is common to feel that corporate meetings are a waste of time. Time that could be better spent getting “real work” done. But it doesn’t have to be that way. This book is dedicated to the proposition that meetings can be meaningful, productive, and even fun—all at the same time.

We need to bring business meetings into the digital age in the same way that we have reinvented business planning and written communication. The current form of corporate meetings is bent and broken; it just doesn’t fit the realities of the global, technology-rich world that we live in today.

Making Meetings Matter is all about reinventing the business meeting. It offers advice and guidance for streamlining and strengthening all kinds of corporate conversations; but it focuses where it should, on the formal meetings that fill up over 50 percent of most managers’ calendars.

Paul Axtell

America has become a nation “stuck in a meeting.” Between corporate boardrooms, all hands meetings, and conference calls, few of us can claim our time is meeting-free. Even fewer can claim every “mandatory session” was worth it. But Paul Axtell – a consultant with more than 30 years of experience in personal and professional organization – says meetings themselves aren’t the problem. In his new book, he defends the importance of meetings, explains how they’ve gone horribly wrong, and offers eight ways to fix our meeting problems so they stop wasting time, and instead build and boost valuable relationships.