We are living in disruptive times. In fact 76% of distributors surveyed believe we are living in an environment we could call the age of disruption. Leaders throughout the industry are challenged by the constant pressures that come at them from all directions. The pressures could be competitive from the marketplace, or come as a result of new government regulations, shifting demographics, the accelerating pace of technology, and more. Navigating these big shifts to create a sustainable and relevant business has become the new mandate for every leader and every employee in distribution. Innovation is at the core of this new mandate. Innovative distributors will ensure those on their team relish the challenge – and feel prepared to be a part of change and transformation – that comes with innovation. They will empower those individuals to think critically about how to improve their companies – and to take action on their ideas. For innovation to take place, your employees – every one of them – must be prepared, willing, and excited to look at the business as if they have never seen it. They must understand that the ability to transform for the future resides within them. And, here is the good news… 95% of leaders surveyed feel personally empowered to be a disruptive change agent within their business. If this is you, INNOVATE! is for you. Throughout this indispensable book, Dirk Beveridge delivers a new voice, a new energy, and a new outlook for distributors.