C-Suite Network™

Stephen Shapiro

In times of reduced funding, tighter deadlines, and fewer resources, a different approach to innovation is required.

Unfortunately, concepts such as “thinking outside the box” actually kill innovation.

It’s time to innovate the way you innovate.

Stephen Shapiro proves that innovation isn’t just about generating occasional new ideas; it’s about staying consistently one step ahead of the competition.

  • – Don’t innovate everywhere. To get the greatest return from your innovation efforts, you must “innovate where you differentiate.”
  • – Asking for ideas is a bad idea.Instead, ask for solutions to well-defined challenges. In other words, “find a better box.”
  • – Expertise is the enemy of innovation.The more you know about a problem, the more difficult it is to find breakthrough solutions.
  • – The brain kills innovation. The brain is wired for survival, not change.

Shapiro shows that nonstop innovation is attainable and vital to building a high-performing team, improving the bottom line, and staying ahead of the pack. In fact, his strategies have generated a tenfold improvement in innovation ROI.