Happy Independence Day! As the nation celebrated its birthday last Thursday, July 4th, it commemorated the United States becoming independent from England.
This festive holiday is associated with summer, family and friends coming together, barbecues, and fireworks—all to commemorate the day the country was born.
As the country celebrates its independence, it’s important to remember that individuals have the same right to autonomy. Many parents often ask, “How much independence should I give my kids?” As parents, it’s their duty to encourage and develop a sense of autonomy in their children. Understanding how to safely give your child more independence is crucial.
So, in the spirit of the holiday. . . here are a few ways to give children more independence.
. . . hug kids a little tighter today and tell them they’re appreciated for exactly who they are.
. . . let them know their thoughts, feelings, and opinions are valued, and that their ability to self-direct is admired. This answers the question, “How do you increase independence?” by validating their individuality.
. . . reassure them that even though they may drive parents up the wall sometimes, they’re never “bad kids” for speaking and living their authentic truth. Understanding why it is important to let children be independent helps in fostering their growth and confidence.

Whether this holiday is celebrated or not, wishing everyone a Happy Independence Day!
May everyone model the freedom, respect, and equality that every human being—including children—deserves!
Love and Blessings,
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