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“How To Use Body Language For Surprise In A Negotiation” – Negotiation Tip of the Week

“Someone’s body language reveals their surprise, be it disappointment or happiness.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert (click to Tweet)     Click here to get the book!


“How To Use Body Language For Surprise In A Negotiation”

People don’t realize they’re always negotiating.

You can surprise people when you call them by their name. It creates the beginnings of a bonding process. What occurs after that is either enhanced or detracted based on the body language signals emitted. I used this technique when I recently talked to a receptionist on the phone at my doctor’s office. Different people answer the phone whenever I call, and I always ask with whom I’m speaking. And then, I’ll say in a voice of familiarity, “Hi, Sue, how are you doing? It’s nice to hear your voice.” Sue, most likely not knowing who the heck I am, responds with a pleasant demeanor and becomes more attentive to addressing my call’s purpose.

Sue’s surprise comes in the form of hearing her name spoken by someone she doesn’t know. That sends her into thought mode. She internally attempts to recall who I am, what prior interactions we’ve had, and most likely, she has a sense of uncomfortableness at not connecting who I am. That leads to her becoming more attentive to my request that follows. And it all stemmed from a surprise – the sound of her name.

What follows is how you can use surprise in body language and nonverbal communication in your negotiation and other aspects of your life.


Click here to discover more about hidden body language signals! 


Remember, you’re always negotiating!


Listen to Greg’s podcast at https://c-suitenetwork.com/radio/shows/greg-williams-the-master-negotiator-and-body-language-expert-podcast/


After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com


To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Negotiation Insight,” click here https://themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/


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Growth Management Personal Development Women In Business

The One Goal You Need to Commit to That Most People Avoid

Happy New Year! You may be expecting me to motivate you to set your goals. To aim high because it’s a new year … to try again. That this year is THE year to make a change. But I’m not because you’ve heard all of that before. In fact, you probably have heard this every year. By January 15th, 1% who set New Year’s resolutions have already thrown in the towel. 

Do you know why the majority of goals don’t see past January 15th? Lack of accountability. We try to accomplish these big goals we’ve never been able to accomplish in the past on our own. We step into a New Year motivated and driven to make changes. What we don’t realize at the time is how easy it is to push our daily action steps to reach our goals into the next day, the next week. Before you know it, today becomes someday…if you don’t have a plan in place to hold yourself accountable. 

You don’t have to spend much time with my team to know that we’re constantly talking about accountability! We know it’s what separates influential communicators from good communicators. Accountability is one of the topics we researched with the Social Research Lab at The University of Northern Colorado. We wanted to prove the power of accountability over a period of time. 

No surprise here…Participants who didn’t hold themselves accountable quickly took steps backward jeopardizing their influence as more time passed since they attended our workshop. 

Yet, 76% agreed that the following steps I’m going to share with you here, helping to hold themselves and their teams accountable.

If you’re really serious about taking action NOW to make changes, enhancements in your ability to communicate with influence, make these your first steps. 

My goal for you is that every month we meet here, your goals are growing, you’re adding more action steps because you’re accomplishing every action you’ve committed to. 

1.By the end of this week, be really clear about who you want to hold you accountable and reach out to them

Three characteristics that are essential for an effective accountability partner;

Someone you trust that’s going to tell you the truth…every time. 

They show up prepared to make you comfortable with being uncomfortable. They push you to take the action you don’t want to take or they tell you what you don’t want to hear …. Especially when you need it the most! 

They hold you accountable every time. They hold you to what you said you were going to do the last time you met. They make sure you do it until you see results.

2.Lock and load a time and date when you’re going to meet with your accountability partner weekly and monthly

What we write…we invite in our life! 

3.Every 30 days, commit to doing a self-check-in to monitor your progress.

This is a critical step to help you stay focused, consistent, and driven. If you’re not checking in with yourself, you’ll miss the signs that are telling you to create a new action step or edit the ones you already have. 

You’ll also miss the reward.  The pat on the back that we all need to give ourselves for our accomplishments, large or small, motivateing us to keep moving forward. 

When you commit to these three action steps, NOW you’re ready to identify what you’re willing to do to make sure your influence is improving every 30 days. 

We’re always here to help. To get your complimentary copy of our research, click on the link below this video.

Here’s to a healthy, safe, and successful 2021!

Growth Leadership Personal Development

Servant Leadership is Good Business

Serving others is essentially setting people up for success.

My experience is that there are two kinds of leaders.  Those that get it that our job as leaders is to SERVE our people, teams, and customers.  The second kind of leader is one that serves themselves.  You can see it in their behaviors.  They are focused on their own success, their own career path, their own compensation, their own advancement, or only the bottom line.  Both kinds of leaders are easy to spot.  Most of us have worked with both, so we KNOW the difference.

Earlier in my career, I worked as a Senior Vice President for a global business.   Our CEO, Phil, as everyone called him, really got it.  Our workforce was made up of several thousand skilled technicians that worked in our customers’  facilities.  Phil gave regular lunch-time talks to technicians who were in the headquarters for technical training.  His talks always included some version of this conversation.  “You (technicians) are the most important people in the company.  You take care of our customers and to them, you are the face of the company.  You are at the top of the company pyramid.  I am at the bottom because my job is to support you and help you be great.”  The inverted pyramid above would be a representation of Phil’s perspective.

Similarly, when Phil addressed our leadership meetings, he often said, “Our jobs as leaders is to help people be great at their jobs.”  Under Phil’s leadership, the company averaged about 10% year-over- year growth over a 15 year period and had over 50 consecutive profitable quarters in a very competitive industry.  Because of my first hand experience with Phil’s leadership, along with seeing contrasting styles, it became clear to me that a servant leadership model is good business and can be practiced at all levels.  In Gallup’s 2019 Engagement Survey of 25,000 people across 20 industries, they reported the #1 factor that predicts performance is the level of support provided by managers.

Further support of this approach is the United States Marine Corps, who has a saying, “Officers eat last.”  Literally, enlisted men and women are at the front of the chow line, and the officers are at the back.  It is a symbolic way of showing that officers’ primary function was to serve the needs of their people – first.  Simon Sinek’s best-selling book, “Leaders Eat Last” was inspired by a conversation with a Marine Corps General, dispelling the old myth that servant leadership is soft.  Think about servant leadership as a two-sided coin.  One side is supporting people.  The other side is holding them accountable for performance.  Practicing both sides of the coin sets people up for success.  To be clear, mature leaders have a few styles of leadership they use in the right situation.  Phil, like the Marine Corps, could be very directive in the right situation.  There is a time and place for a leader to say, “This is what we are doing (and why) and I expect everyone to get on board.” Times of crisis, when safety is at risk, and urgent matters can be such times when a directive approach is needed.

In your role as a leader at any level, if you buy into the concept that our jobs are to help people be great, then its a good bet your teams perform at a high-level.  In my leadership workshops, I ask participants “What are the essential things you must do to set your people and teams up for success?”  Then I ask them (and now you) to create a list of ten of those essentials and then grade themselves on how well they are performing each of them.  Most lists include providing the right tools for the job, training and coaching, reviewing the company’s purpose and core values, and communicating clear expectations. It’s a great starting point to increase your leadership impact. Serving others goes a long way to building trust.  As discussed in a previous article called Building Trust-The Key to Agility ( https://c-suitenetwork.com/advisors/building-trust-the-key-to-organizational-agility/), high-trust cultures outperform low-trust cultures all day long.  I have experienced this truth first-hand.

Let’s think about leadership in the context of today.   Research shows that today’s workforce wants four things from their jobs – a fulfilling job, better bosses, teams they like being a part of,  a company they believe in.  The servant-leader will thrive with today’s workforce.  The self-serving leader will struggle with attracting and retaining talent and achieving engagement and sustained performance.  If we take the conversation up to the organization level, self-serving, command and control leadership cultures have a distinct disadvantage during these challenging times.

Know this, your leadership matters. Keep learning, growing and developing your leaders!


Dr. Mark Hinderliter works with clients to develop a people strategy that aligns with their current business strategy.  His experience as a Senior Vice President for a billion-dollar global enterprise along with a PhD in Organization and Management are a unique fusion of real-world experience and academic credentials.

Mark is a Veteran-owned Business Owner and the host of the bi-weekly LinkedIn Live event called, “The Great Retention.”

You can follow Mark on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/markhinderliter/



Marketing Personal Development

Marketing Strategies for Businesses in the Digital World

Marketing Strategies

Having marketing strategies is important because they provide direction. Without them, you don’t have a plan and are merely taking shots in the dark to try to hit your target.

All too often I hear about situations like, “I hired this guy to do this [one thing], but nothing never ever came of it.” Does this sound familiar to you?

This happens because you are stuck in “Tactic Land”. This is where a singular action, tool, or solution is used to come to a result. But here’s the thing – a tactic can only provide a finite 1-to-1 result. For example, one tactic could be getting more Instagram followers by following other profiles. The result is that you’ll get more followers. Nothing more, nothing less. And yet, people will consistently think that this tactic will get them something more, like new clients, etc.

It is not to say that tactics are not valuable. In fact, they are crucial. However, it needs to be understood that tactics live inside marketing strategies. They are small actions that are driven by and support a larger strategy. 

Accountability Framework

I’ve spent over a decade testing all kinds of tools, solutions, and different approaches. Much like anyone else, I started with hundreds of tactics and failed at many of them until I realized the problem – I didn’t have a strategy. 

So how did I get a strategy? It all started with an accountability framework I put in place called “Action Consume”. It’s a mere 80/20 model for my marketing practice. It looks like this:

Action – This means that 80% of the time I am doing something. In other words, I am getting things done. I am taking action. Why is this important? All too often, I see people not taking action, which puts them in a circular situation of not getting results. They are asking themselves, “Why aren’t things happening?” The answer is that they are not taking action. It’s as simple as that.

Consume – 20% of the time I do what I call “L3” – Looking, Listening, and Learning. I continually review everything I do in the action category and take my learnings back into the action category as revisions or improvements. I’ll explain more about this later in the article.

You might think this is pretty basic, and yet, it’s hardly ever practiced. Most people live the opposite way, with 80% of a person’s practice spent in a consumption mode and 20% in the action category. I don’t want to dive too heavily into the psychology of why this happens, but it’s mostly based on some kind of fear of failure or unwillingness to do the work that’s required.

The best example of this is all these ‘Doing Sales on LinkedIn’ courses. I have seen a lot of them, and many of them are legitimate. However, people will spend hundreds of dollars on a course like that, until they figure out that it takes a lot of time and effort, and then they give up. They don’t want to be in the 80% action category. They just want to consume, discover a simple tactic, and hope to get rich off it. However, there’s not a lot of consistent luck that happens in “Tactic Land”.

Marketing Strategies Model

Fast forward in time through all my failures and learnings, and now I can confidently say that I have a strategy that works. I call it the “G3L3” model. So let me break it down…

G3 – Give, Gather, Get

G3 is a values-based model that stems from the ‘Why’ part of my business model (more about that in another article). The overall concept applies across all platforms and even into the physical business life. In fact, almost all of this comes from my 35 years of sales experience in the Physical World. What it boils down to is that I’ve essentially brought real-world sales strategies into my online marketing strategies.

Give – This is where you give something to your audience. It mostly comes in the form of valuable information, inspiration, or even entertainment. This is a crucial part of a marketing strategy because you have to understand that people don’t know who you are online. And because of that, people don’t necessarily trust you. You wouldn’t walk up to a person on the street and say, “Hey, buy this!” We all need to get to know somebody before we buy from them. The best way to prove your value is by reaching out your hand with something to give. 

On a ratio level, you should execute this 4 to 5 times more than the following component. Anything less is going to hamper your opportunity to gain the trust of your audience.

Gather – This is where you gather people together by connecting with the community. People forget that Social Media has the word “social” in it. This is a time to connect, share, and give recognition to others. As an example, this can be done by writing an article about another person or business, or by tagging other entities on social media. This tactic provides a stickiness with your community and helps build a larger community by combining audiences.

On a ratio level, you should do this about 2 to 3 times more than this next component…

Get – This is finally where you get to ask for something. It could be asking people to sign up for your newsletter, buying a product, etc. This is essentially where you’re asking someone to take an action from your content.

On a ratio level, this only happens once after the ratios of the ‘Gives’ and ‘Gathers’ have been met.

That said, this strategy doesn’t end here. Because, even as this strategy unfolds, you still need to understand what tactics worked (and didn’t work) within the strategy. And this is where “L3” becomes important…

L3 – Look, Listen, and Learn

L3 is simply Look, Listen, and Learn. It’s the consumption part of the Action Consume Framework.

Peter Drucker said, “If you can’t measure it, it can’t be improved”. 20% of your time should be spent reviewing all that you’ve done so that you can do what worked again, and improve upon what didn’t work. 

Look – Make sure you are backing up all your work with analytics and reporting. If you’re not, you’re shooting in the dark. Analytics and reporting don’t have an agenda. They are your friend in the Digital World. Look at the numbers to find out what is truly going on. I constantly surprise myself by what I see in my own analytics. We all have preconceived notions about what works in our business, but numbers don’t lie. 

Listen – Open up your ears to what the people are saying. In fact, ask your customers for their opinion. Maybe even perform some Persona Development interviews. Whatever it is, always keep your ears open to anything your customers are saying, whether it’s good, bad, or ugly.

Learn – Take everything you consumed in the ‘Look’ and ‘Listen’ components, and apply it back into the ‘G3”.

From here, it’s all about rinsing and repeating these marketing strategies. Follow this framework and model, and I guarantee you much more self-satisfaction in your marketing efforts.

For a free digital assessment, head over to KakVarley.com



Best Practices Growth Management Personal Development

How to Keep Your Energy Up and Stay Resilient


The other day I was asking myself how I could tell you how to be resilient, and then a friend called the other day and apologized for moving our meeting from 3 pm to 5 pm. She explained, “Doing nothing is taking me longer than I thought.” Many of us have lost focus and are less resilient than we were five months ago. That’s normal. The real job now is how to keep connecting to that initial energy. Get in touch with your Mind-Body Connection and let each do its part.

As you settle into a rhythm, you may find you’re no longer motivated to sign up for the online class….you’re sick and tired of spending your days in front of the computer or binge-watching TV. As I wrote in a previous article, mood changes are frequent. One thing that keeps my focus is recognizing that every day at home is one day closer to the next stage of this experience. 

Stay Resilient

Resilient thinkers focus on “this is temporary, there are better days ahead.” Once you have given yourself permission to mope for a while, what can you say to yourself to keep you in focus? Think of things you are grateful for. Or appreciate that you are safe for the moment; that most of your loved ones have not been in danger. Every focus on the positive side of the ledger tips your mind in the right direction and keeps you resilient.

Don’t Stay Idle

Stay smart, stay safe, and keep wearing your mask. But don’t stay idle. If you’re already working with a non-profit, reach out to them and ask how you can help them from your home. Or ask yourself if there’s something you can contribute to a company, a service, or an organization in need. Or what about politics? It is hard to remember that this is an election year. Every candidate is facing the same issues you are—how to connect to the world safely from their base. Help the candidates you believe in. Reach out to their organization and volunteer to make calls or other activities that can be done remotely. 

Then reach out to them (not physically) and lend a hand. Is there something you can do to make a contribution to someone?

Finally, make sure to focus on someone you love. Call or speak to them every day. It is the best “pick me up” that I know of.



How is your mastery under pressure? Take the QUIZ to find out now.

Best Practices Growth Management Personal Development

Is Your Type A Behavior Hurting You?


It is not my place to judge. I know quite a few executives, and their Type A behavior patterns range from “high functioning” to “self-destructive.” But almost all of them have a character flaw that does more harm than good: They are harder on themselves than they are on anyone else–and harder than anyone else can be on them. Many of them believe it’s an asset to their performance, but the truth is that it just undermines their behavior and decision-making process.

Some Things Are Not Under Your Control

I wrote about the way our perceived sense of control determines our behavior. Most Type A’s believe there is nothing they cannot control. Here is the good news and bad news. You didn’t cause this pandemic and you can’t manage it, either. The wisest among us know what we CAN manage is our response to it.

When I talked about breathing exercises, I was suggesting tools you can use to get your thoughts, feelings, and behavior under control. To get in touch with your Body-Mind Connection. You have probably heard the saying, “It’s not what happens to you that matters. What matters is how you respond.”

Take Positive Action

I know a couple in Los Angeles who were impacted by the Northridge earthquake in 1994. They were without power for almost six days and the only water they had was the bottles they had stored for just such an emergency.

After the tremors and aftershocks ended, each of them reacted to the event in their own unique way. The attorney—a Type A personality—kept watching the horizon where she could see LAX. The minute she saw a plane taking off, she told her husband she was going to fly back East until things were under control.

Her husband, the screenwriter, chose a different behavior. After walking his wife to the airport and booking her flight, he went back to the apartment and dug out his old manual typewriter. He realized he had a week or more of blissful, uninterrupted space to work on his next movie.

Behavior: Control What You Can

While both of them were in the same room on the same day experiencing the same event, each of them took control of their life in their unique way.

That is what I recommend to all my clients: Control the things you can. By doing that, you will keep a sense of focus and calmness about you.


How is your mastery under pressure? Take the QUIZ to find out now.

Best Practices Growth Management Personal Development

How Our Emotions Shape Our Thoughts


Emotions. Feelings. Thoughts. Sensations. As I wrote about, we are ALL dealing with an unusual range of all four these days. You may be familiar with Elisabeth Kubler-Ross‘s five stages of death and dying: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance. We have come to understand that those are really five stages of any loss, not just death and dying. And those are not linear stages. Thoughts of grief and loss send us through all the stages. Some days we are in denial, some days we are angry, then maybe we go back to denial again. There is so much uncertainty these days that we often get overwhelmed both by our thoughts, by not having any control over the circumstances, and, for too many of us, the loss of someone we loved.

Remember To Breathe

I’ve talked about the Mind-Body Connection. It’s real. And people who exercise regularly know how their physical condition affects their mental clarity and thoughts. But you do not have to become a gym rat to get your thoughts under control. Just…breathe. Start with something simple. For the next minute, inhale to a count of 4 and exhale to a count of 8. Make sure that your exhale is at least twice as long as your inhale.

Try it. I’ll wait.

Did you notice any difference? You probably noticed a slight change in your thoughts. And a slight change in your physical sensations.

The Middle Way Is Not Easy

While poets and philosophers have always talked about “everything in moderation,” I have a friend who admits he has only two speeds: 100 miles per hour…or a couch potato. He knows this makes his life harder than it needs to be, but he has made that belief a self-fulfilling prophecy. When he asks me for help, I work with him on going just 5 miles per hour for starters.

We started with that one-minute breathing exercise. Then I suggested he do it twice a day. When he finally was able to do 1 minute of breathing in the morning and evening, I gradually increased it to 7½ minutes. Every time he admits he did not do it the previous day, we start again. Slowly, slowly he is working his way up to sustained, significant meditation practice.

So start with that one minute I just suggested. And let us see where we all get to.


How is your mastery under pressure? Take the QUIZ to find out now.

Growth Personal Development

How an Accidental Entrepreneur Turned Water Into a Successful Business

Clear Glass H2o Bottle


There’s something in the water, and it’s a hint of success!”

Recently, I had the pleasure of hosting Kara Goldin, the CEO of Hint on All Business with Jeffrey Hayzlett on C-Suite RadioKara recently released her first book, Undaunted: Overcoming Doubts + Doubters, telling the story behind the brand.

If you’ve never heard of Hint, it is a line of still water with just a “hint” of fruit flavor, without sugar or other sweeteners. You can find it just about everywhere your favorite sodas are sold.

Hint’s inspiration came from Kara’s affection for a particular diet soda she developed while working in the tech industry in the 1990s. Kara didn’t reveal how many she drank on a daily basis but did confess she was what the beverage industry calls a “heavy user.”

Diet Coke was my thing, and I never thought there was anything wrong with drinking it until I stopped drinking it to try and change some health issues that I had,” Kara said.

“I’d gained a bunch of weight, had developed terrible adult acne that I didn’t even have as a kid, and my energy levels were down. I was looking at everything that I was eating, thinking that maybe that was the issue. I was continuing to work out. That wasn’t the issue. But one day, my diet soda was staring at me in the face, and I saw these ingredients that I thought were interesting. I didn’t know what they meant. So, I thought maybe I should put it to the side just like I’m doing with the food that I don’t really understand what I’m eating, and that’s when two and a half weeks later, I dropped 24 pounds. My energy levels were back. My skin got better.”

She had replaced her diet soda for water, but Kara thought water was boring. To jazz it up, she started slicing up fruit and putting it in water for herself. During that time, she searched the grocery store shelves for a soda alternative and all she could find was Vitamin Water, which at the time was loaded with more calories than a Diet Coke.

“That was when I really realized that there’s all these words that get us to actually think that things are healthier than they are, and that was the trap that I fell into,” Kara said. “I wasn’t a nutritionist, (I) wasn’t a beverage executive, but I was curious about why this was going on and how I had been fooled. And that’s when I said, ‘Gosh, how hard is it to get a beverage on the shelf at Whole Foods?’”

Kara found out it was a lot harder than she expected. She needed a product with a shelf life along with a distributor.

“What I didn’t realize, and part of what I talked about in the book is, it’s one thing to actually launch a company. You’ve got a new product, and you go launch a company that’s like climbing a mountain, but we launched a new category, which is climbing Everest,” Kara recalled.

Since Hint was one of the first in the unsweetened, flavored water category, Kara went work.

She relied on those closest to her as her family had experience inventing new categories in the food industry. Kara’s father was one of the minds behind Healthy Choice back in the 1980s. It was one of the first brands to introduce healthier ingredients to the frozen food section.

The first thing she found was there was no room at the stores for her new product. We all know about the big players in the soda industry, and they pay a premium for shelf space.

“In fact, so many investors were afraid of the big companies,” Kara said. “Investors were like, ‘let’s just say hypothetically that you really take off. What then? Ultimately the soda companies are going to crush you.’”

She continued, “I had tons of doubts. I had doubters. I had fears. I had plenty of failures.”

Hint also had to educate customers about their product, which was an easier sell than Kara thought.

“I had customers writing to me from day one, or calling into customer service saying ‘you’re really helping me drink water, you’re helping me control my Type-2 diabetes, all these things.’”

Hint found its way to the shelves of 10 stores in the San Francisco Bay Area, and sales were pretty good. Despite this early success, Kara still had some details to iron out. She had trouble figuring out shelf life and finding a distributor. That’s when a friend introduced her to an executive at Coca-Cola.

“He was nice enough to get on the phone with me,” Kara said. “I’m explaining for 15 minutes how great we’re doing. Then suddenly he interrupts me and said, “Sweetie, Americans love sweet this product isn’t going anywhere.’ And I was like, ‘Whoa! What just happened?’”

“I got off the phone, and I thought, I have a decision to make,” Kara remembered. “Either give up, which is what he wants me to do, or I put the gas on and find (more) customers. So, that’s what I did.”

Fifteen years later, Hint is still going strong and growing. Hint has ventured out into carbonated water, sunscreendeodorant, even face masks. Like every other business, and industry in recent months, they’ve pivoted successfully and engaged different audience sectors.

Kara and I also talked about the need to innovate, how Hint has become a real family business and more stories about the early days of the company.

Not bad for someone who calls herself an “accidental entrepreneur.” She figured it all out. If you want to know how she did that, you can hear our full conversation here.

Entrepreneurship Human Resources Management Marketing Negotiations Sales Skills Women In Business

“How To Prevent And Stop Being Conned In A Negotiation” – Negotiation Insight

“Usually, it’s the greedy man that gets conned. For it’s when he seeks something that seems too good to be true that it turns out he’s right.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert (click to Tweet)      Click here to get the book!


“How To Prevent And Stop Being Conned In A Negotiation”

People don’t realize they’re always negotiating.

At some point in your life, either during a negotiation or one you didn’t perceive, someone conned you. Upon reflection, you most likely asked yourself, how did this happen to me? You were consciously aware of what you were doing, you had the perception that you could trust the other person, and you may have validated what that person told you. In your mind, you did everything right. So, why did this happen? What secret demons lurked in the unseen shadows that locked you into your hellish experience? The con occurred as the result of one, or several, of the following factors.

Continue, and you’ll discover how to prevent and stop scams from being perpetrated against you in the future.

Remember, you’re always negotiating!

Listen to Greg’s podcast at https://c-suitenetwork.com/radio/shows/greg-williams-the-master-negotiator-and-body-language-expert-podcast/


After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com


To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Negotiation Insight,” click here https://themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/


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